Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,69

real world continue on without them?

She didn’t want to think about the real world at all. In fact, she didn’t want to think about the pretend world, either. All she wanted to do was live.

Live forever, uninterrupted.


She heard a knock sound at the door and Penny grinned, her stomach growling as she thought about the mountain of French toast that would soon be in front of her. She jumped from the bed, wrapping the sheet loosely around her body and hurrying from the room.

“That was quick—”

But the rest of her words, along with her smile, disappeared the moment her eyes came to rest on the figure standing on the other side of the doorway. Tommy’s expression was grim.

Graham’s was absolutely livid.

“Well, I guess that answers question number one. Clearly, the marriage has been consummated.” Penny tightened the sheet, her mind whirling. “Here’s number two, then—has the ink even dried on her divorce yet?”

“Graham,” Tommy warned, but Graham didn’t even seem to notice as he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

“Okay, and how about question number three: what about a pre-nup?” Graham settled on the couch, making himself comfortable. “You are aware that, legally, she’s entitled to half of everything, now.”

“You don’t have to talk about me as if I don’t exist—I’m right here.”

“Oh, you’ll be out of the picture soon enough, sweetheart.”

“Knock it off, Graham.” Tommy’s voice had an edge to it, but Penny could tell he wasn’t sure how to respond.

“This is your career, Tom. Your life.”

“I’m aware of that.”

“Then what the hell are you doing?” Graham was raising his voice now. “Parading around with this girl, wasting your time—this was never anything more than a business arrangement! For both of you.” His eyes raked over Penny as if she were something dirty and worthless. “And now she’s going to get way more than she bargained for, isn’t she? Unless this was her plan all along.”

“Go to hell, Graham,” Penny spat, wishing that she had something more functional on. She would love nothing more than to slap him right across his arrogant little face. Who the hell did he think he was, coming in here and acting as if he knew what their relationship was all about? Graham hadn’t been there since the beginning. He hadn’t seen how strong their friendship had been.

“Oh, I’m already there. Don’t worry; I’m saving a seat for you, too.” Penny could do nothing more than glare at him, feeling powerless. “Maybe now that she’s given it up, you’ll be satisfied. Thomson Davis is always up for a challenge, isn’t he? Well, there’s no game left to be had here. It’s time to move on.”

“We’ve already decided how we’re going to take care of it, Graham.” Tommy spoke after several moments. “We’ll play it off for a little bit longer. Then we’ll just claim that we live in two different worlds and it could never work.”

Had they figured all of that out? Penny couldn’t recall. Then again, if they had, she might have been blinded by the sudden pain in her chest.

She couldn’t have felt more betrayed.

Was that really all it had been to him? Just a game?

It couldn’t have.

But when she looked up at him, she couldn’t be certain. He wouldn’t look at her.

Tears flooded her eyes.

How could she have fallen for it?

She said nothing as she turned around and made for her own bedroom, slamming the door behind her. She needed to get away from them. She needed just a few minutes alone to regain her composure and to figure out what she was going to do.

After a quick shower, she dressed and sat on the armchair, staring at the floor.

How had things changed so completely in such a short amount of time?

The buzzing noise of her phone sounded and Penny sighed, deciding that it was probably time to face reality—especially after such a harsh dose of it already this morning. “Hello?” She questioned, hoping the happiness in her voice didn’t sound too forced.

“Penelope?” It was her mother. “Well, it’s about time, isn’t it?”

“Sorry, Mom. I’ve been…busy.”

“Well, I can only imagine, what with a wedding and all.” It was obvious by her tone that her feelings had been hurt.

“I’m sorry, Mom. It wasn’t exactly my most thought-out moment—”

“Well, that much is obvious.” Now her father was there too. Penny sighed, closing her eyes. “Oh, I understand, Penny, dear. Love makes people act crazy. Your mother and I almost eloped, too.”

“Elliot!” Her mother snapped.

“I really am sorry, Dad—”

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