Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,54

own,” Penny looked at him, hoping that he hadn’t done this just for her. He’d done far more than enough as it was—she couldn’t stand it if he’d bought a house just so that she’d have a place to stay. “And I wanted to have a place to stay, too. I’m sick of living in a box. I need a little more space than that.”

“Well, I think this place will give you two or three times the space as the entire motel.”

“Hey, I like to have lots of space. You never know who could be showing up.”

“Are you planning on opening up a bed and breakfast?” Tommy nudged her with his elbow.

“You just wait until you see the inside. You’re going to love it, and you’re going to regret all these little comments.”

Well, he had a point, she thought the moment she stepped inside. It was beautiful, much as she had expected it to be. The kitchen was enormous, vaulted ceilings everywhere she looked. She assumed it had come furnished as everything looked like it belonged there—it all had a very old, cottage appeal to it.

Tommy led her up the stairs, showing her two bedrooms before taking her to the Master suite.

That was where she just about lost it. The bathroom alone was bigger than the bedroom she had at Amy’s, the bedroom just as grand. “Well, I don’t see a theater room anywhere.” She said finally, having kept quiet throughout the entire tour. Tommy’s laughter was music to her ears and she smiled, turning to face him. “You’re insane, you know that, right?”

“Real estate is a good investment.”

“This is too much, Tommy.”

“Nah—it’s just right.” He rested his arm across her shoulders. “I thought you could have the Master.” She couldn’t hide her giddiness as she looked over her shoulder, taking it all in once more.

“You’re insane.” She repeated, smiling excitedly.

“No—I mean, look at it this way. Amy and the girls don’t need a bunch of photographers taking their picture when they go to school in the morning. I’m tired of sleeping in a motel. And if people are going to believe that things are getting serious between us, I think we’re going to have to start spending the night in the same residence.”

He was right, of course. Amy had already had a run in with some photographers going through her trash—looking for evidence of the pregnancy, they had told her. It would be nice to give them their privacy back.

And she could handle living in the same house as Tommy, couldn’t she?

Well, one as spacious as this, anyway.

Space was a good idea, she’d come to think lately. Despite the angry protest that coursed through her veins every time she was near Tommy, Penny had done well so far.

That didn’t mean it had been easy.

It was hard to think of anything other than how badly her body seemed to crave his touch sometimes.

“And you can even have the girls over—did you see the bunk beds in the bedroom down the hall?” Penny brought her attention back to the present, nodding her head in agreement.

“No, you’re definitely right. This is great, Tommy. I should never have doubted you.” She added the last bit on with a touch of sarcasm and he looked at her skeptically.

“Was that sarcasm I detected?”

“Nope,” but she nodded instead, a smile on her face.

“You’d better watch yourself—I know my way around this place a lot better than you do. And the nearest neighbors are quite a ways away.”

“Well, in that case…” Penny grinned. “You’re so wise and all-knowing, Mr. Davis, I just didn’t know it was possible. Maybe, if I look good enough in my tiniest bikini, you’ll give me a part in your next movie.”

“I don’t know, I think I see a bit of a baby bump starting to show—” Before Tommy could stop her, Penny grabbed a pillow from the bed and hit him with it. He stared at her for a moment, stunned—and she took the opportunity to run passed him, toward the door.

Of course, he was much too quick for her though and he easily caught her around the waist. “Big mistake, little lady. Big mistake.”

She squealed as he tossed her onto the bed, his fingers dancing along the curves of her waist on either side as she squirmed—quickly finding herself breathless from laughter.

At least that’s what she told herself.

Of course it had nothing at all to do with the way her body responded to Tommy’s touch.

Or the way he hesitated, his face Copyright 2016 - 2024