Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,51

room. Tommy finished the dishes and turned to find her looking at him. “I remember when we used to sit in my parents kitchen, just like this. Who would’ve thought how different things would be ten years down the line.”

“You look like you’re about to fall asleep.” He told her, finishing the last of the dishes and setting them aside.

“I am not,” she perked up immediately, but her eyes still looked heavy.

“Yes you are.” She gave him a dirty look and Tommy just laughed, shaking his head at her. “Come on, I want to show you something.”

“What do you want to show me?” Her tone was very suspicious. “Because I remember when Chris Jenkins fed me that line in third grade—and it was not at all what I wanted to see.”

“Well, I think you’ll like this.” He laughed as he made his way toward the door at the back of the kitchen, which led outside.

The ocean was literally Tommy’s backyard. He had chosen this property for a couple of reasons—first, because of the privacy it afforded him. Second, because he had wanted something with his own private beach. It had cost him a pretty penny more than he had wanted to spend, but he’d gone for it.

But after he moved in, Tommy hardly ever spent any time out here—even when he was home. There was just something comforting about having the ocean nearby. To know that, if the urge ever struck, he could just take off into the abyss and leave it all behind.

He’d done that a lot throughout his life, mostly at his father’s behest.

Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, Tommy thought to himself.

Beside him, Penny gasped. “Why didn’t you show me this sooner?” It was a good question—one to which he didn’t have an answer. “Tommy, this is beautiful. Is it all yours?”

“Enough of it is.” His neighbors lived quite a ways down the beach.

“Listen to you, all confident and rich. ‘I own my own beach.’ I bet the ladies fall for this every time.”

“Oh, you better believe it.” Except that Tommy had never brought another woman out here before.

“You’re such a little man-whore, Thomson Davis.”

“I am no such thing,” he feigned innocence, his eyes wide.

“You most certainly are. I’ve seen the tabloids.”

“Well, then I guess I’m to believe that you’re carrying my love child.” Penny laughed, throwing her head back. On the flight in, they had noticed one of the tabloids claiming that Penny was pregnant with Tommy’s child and she was officially declared to be under “bump watch”.

“That’s right—it’s twins. Surprise!”

“That’s it.” Before Penny could react, Tommy had stepped forward and swept her off her feet, tossing her over his shoulder. She screamed, swatting at him and ordering him to put her down. “Your wish is my command.”

She hit the water with a splash, her expression absolutely priceless. “You did not just do that.”

“I’m pretty sure I did.” She was on her feet much faster than he expected, jumping onto his back and trying to pull him into the water. It wasn’t really all that necessary—he was pretty well soaked already from carrying her as far as he had. But Penny was bound and determined to get him into the water, and so eventually, she did.

By that time, they were pretty far out, Tommy only going further. The water was much warmer than he’d expected and once again he asked himself why he didn’t do this more often. “Oh!” She squealed as her head dipped under the water and Tommy reached out, pulling her closer to him as she coughed.

“You okay?” She nodded, still trying to clear her throat.

“Apparently I can’t reach the bottom anymore.” Her arms were wrapped tightly around his neck, her legs around his midsection.

“We can go back,”

“I’m okay with this arrangement if you are.”

Tommy was certain that Penny could tell just how okay he was with the situation, but he didn’t say anything. “It’s so quiet out here,”

“You don’t have to whisper, Pen. Nobody’s going to hear you.”

“Be quiet.” She loosened her grip on his neck, laying back a little bit. Tommy tried very hard not to notice the way her body shifted against his. “And the water is so warm.” She sat back up, pressing herself close to him once more. “Are you sure this isn’t a fairytale, Tommy? We’re not going to wake up tomorrow and find out we’ve been dreaming all along, are we?”

“I certainly hope not.” Her face was so close to his—it would be Copyright 2016 - 2024