Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,49

a hard time concentrating and he stumbled through most of his meetings, glad that Graham was there to pick up the slack—something Graham made certain to point out that evening, on the way home. “You weren’t even listening to Garrison back there, were you?”

“I’ve got a lot on my mind.”

“This wouldn’t have anything to do with our blossoming little flower, would it?” Tommy glared at his manager for a moment. “Just remember that this is all business—for both of you. She’s merely playing the role of your love interest, and in the end, she gets a paycheck just like every other girl in this business. I’m not saying you can’t mix a little business with pleasure—I couldn’t blame you there. But I will say I think it’s a very bad idea.”

“Shut up, Graham,” Tommy turned to look out the window. “I think I want to push my script again.”

“You mean your dark and gloomy piece?”

“It’s not dark and gloomy. Fate is a story about hope, Graham. Did you even read it?” Tommy had thought a lot about it last night and Penny was right. The story wasn’t about the dark place the main character was in—it was about his climb out of it.

“Of course I read it.” Graham sighed, rubbing his neck. “I don’t know, Tom. Let’s give it some time. See how this revamping of your image goes.”

“And I don’t want to do another Gunpoint flick. I sat through that meeting as a favor to you and Mark, but I don’t want to do it.” Gunpoint had been one of his biggest moneymakers, but he couldn’t stand the thought of doing yet another.

“Tom, you know how much money they’re offering you.”

“I don’t care. I’m sick of doing these stupid, plot-less movies. The only reason people go to see them is for the explosions.”

“Does the reason people see a movie really matter that much? Isn’t it just so long as they see it?”

“I know your paycheck rides on mine, Graham, but you should probably be just a little less obvious about it.” Tommy snapped. His patience was short these days, and Graham seemed to know just how to push his buttons the wrong way.

“So how was dinner last night?” Graham asked after a few minutes.

“Dinner was great.” He thought back to the night before. Things had gone just as well last night as they had the night before. Penny was made to shine—he’d always thought so. “You’re not flying back with us, are you?”

“Don’t sound so happy about it.” But Tommy couldn’t help it. Only a few days back in L.A. and he was already ready for another break. He reached up and unbuttoned the top couple of buttons of his shirt, suddenly feeling as if he were suffocating. “You’ll be back in a few weeks for the Mission premier, don’t forget that.”

“I haven’t forgotten.”

“And I’ve lined up some New York spots for you.”

“Thanks.” He was itching to get out of the car.

“Don’t mention it.” Graham’s tone was sarcastic and Tommy wondered for a moment what Graham could possibly have to be angry about. Tommy’s life was the one under constant scrutiny. He was the one who had to get permission before he could even so much as move. Graham was just the one who pulled the strings.

“I’ll see you later.” Tommy practically jumped from the car as the driver pulled into the driveway.

“Have a nice flight.” Again with the sarcasm. Tommy didn’t even turn around, though he wanted to—but he thought better of it, especially with all of the photographers. Anything he might have said to Graham probably wouldn’t bode well for his image.

A very homey scent greeted him as he entered the house, his feet carrying him closer to the kitchen. He smiled as he watched her for a few moments, dancing around the kitchen, assumedly to music only she could hear.

For only a moment—because anything more would have been too much—Tommy imagined that this was his life. That he would come home from a set after a long day and he would find Penny, just like this. His house would smell like a home—even better, it would feel like a home.

He could be so happy, he thought.

“I think this is the first time anybody has ever actually cooked in this kitchen.” His voice brought him back to the present, the images in his head fading as Penny turned around. It was obvious he’d embarrassed her, her cheeks burning red.

“Well, that doesn’t surprise me. You know, you didn’t Copyright 2016 - 2024