Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,44

that leave them with, spending all their time chasing after someone else’s?

Traffic was much worse here than it was at home and the majority of the trip was spent amidst a sea of angry drivers.

In fact, that was how she spent a greater majority of the day, she thought.

Graham had her sent to a spa first, where she had muscles massaged that she hadn’t even been aware she’d had. She had been moisturized to and fro, and treated to an all-natural breakfast consisting mostly of fruits and granola.

The shopping had been a little bit more than she’d bargained for. Graham had even gone so far as to provide her with her own personal shopper—a chipper gay man named Diego, who was much more straightforward than Penny was used to.

She hadn’t expected to go shopping on Rodeo Drive.

The shops had nearly overwhelmed her as she walked along the sidewalk, trailing behind Diego. He knew exactly what he was looking for, not even stopping to ask for her opinion. It was fortunate for her she had done this several times with Amy—Amy found the clothes, made Penny try them on, and offered her opinion before Penny even had a chance to speak hers.

It was the price tags that held her up the most. Finally, Diego had to put his foot down. “Sweetheart, you are new in town. You’re going to see and be seen by some of the most famous people in the world. Your boyfriend is treating you to a shopping spree. Take advantage. This opportunity may not present itself again.”

Penny had comforted herself with the thought that, whatever she didn’t wear, she was going to return. Just so Tommy could get his money back.

She hadn’t realized just how much Diego had bought for her until she was settled back into the car, bags surrounding her. She had no idea what she’d even acquired.

When the car stopped in front of a very swank looking salon, Penny suddenly grew very nervous. Graham had mentioned the spa and the shopping, but he had said nothing about a salon. She almost contemplated not going inside, but after a few deep breaths, she had convinced herself to go through with it. If she could spend the afternoon shopping on Rodeo Drive, she could handle a salon.

“Um, hi,” she spoke as she approached the counter. “I should have an appointment?”

“Your name?”

“Penelope Lang.” The girl checked her list on the computer screen before smiling brightly at Penny.

“Well, you’re in for a treat. We’ve been ordered to give you the full treatment.”

“What, exactly, is that?”

“Hair, nails, makeup. You name it, you’re getting it done.” Penny’s smile faltered for a moment. What was she getting herself into? “Follow me. I’ll take you back to Jane.”

Penny followed the girl, trying not to notice the faces of the people she passed by. She was certain at least a few of them were on her wall back home.

“Well, hello!” She was young—at least a few years younger than Penny. “I’m Jane.” She seemed friendly enough, Penny thought. “You must be Penelope.”

“Penny is fine.”

“Well, Penny, what did you have in mind?”

“Um, well…” Penny sighed, holding her hands up in the air. “I’ll be honest. I’m really not very good at any of this stuff. I didn’t even make this appointment. My…” She paused, almost calling him her friend. “My boyfriend’s manager made this appointment for me. Apparently, he thinks I need to be more L.A.”

“And where are you from originally?”

“North Carolina.” Jane laughed, nodding her head.

“Definitely not L.A.” The girl studied Penny for a few minutes. “How do you feel about maintenance?”

“The lower the better.”

“My kind of girl,” Jane grinned. “Well, I’m thinking maybe take a little bit of the length off, bring in a little bang, and add in a few natural-looking highlights. If you feel like glamming it up a bit, I can show you a few techniques—but otherwise, it’ll be exactly what you have right now. Sound like a plan?”

Everything the girl said sounded oddly foreign to her, but Penny nodded, agreeing anyway. It was about experience, right? She was going to take advantage of every opportunity she came across.

“If it makes any difference, we’re eating at The Ivy tonight.”

“The Ivy?” Penny nodded. “Sweetie, that makes a whole world of difference.” Jane smiled happily. “Do you know what you’re going to wear?”

“I haven’t the slightest clue.”

“Oh, sweetie, we’re going to have so much fun together.”

Penny was suddenly very worried.

It wasn’t until she found herself standing in the master bathroom, staring Copyright 2016 - 2024