Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,34

give Aunt Penny and Tommy a minute before they leave?” Paul suggested, a knowing look passing between he and his wife.

“That sounds like a good idea—come on girls, what do you say we break into those cookies?”

“Before dinner?”

“Shhh, if you don’t tell, I won’t,” Amy grinned, ushering the two girls into the kitchen while Paul followed behind.

“I overdid it, didn’t I?” Penny felt her cheeks reddening. “It’s Amy’s fault, really—”

“Penny,” Tommy’s eyes swept over her once more. “You look…”


“I was leaning more toward incredible.” Penny’s heart fluttered yet again and she averted her eyes, staring at the floor. “You about ready to go?” He asked after a long moment and she nodded. “I’m warning you—be prepared for a lot of cameras,”

“Wait!” Amber called, standing in the archway between the kitchen and the living room. “Don’t forget to say good night.”

“Oh, how could I forget that?” Penny hurried across the room, setting her clutch bag on the floor as she pulled her pseudo niece in for a hug. “Good night, little Amber.”

By this time, Darla had hurried over and Penny gave her a hug as well. “Good night, my darling,”

“Good night Aunt Penny,” Amber kissed her on one cheek while Darla kissed her on the other. “Good night Tommy!” They called over Penny’s shoulders and Penny laughed, rising to her feet. Tommy held his hand out to her, his blue eyes shining brightly.

“Take a deep breath,” he warned her, pulling the door open. Her breath caught in her throat, her smile faltering for just a moment. Tommy stepped outside, pulling her with him. The photographers surrounded them almost instantly and Penny tightened her grip on Tommy’s hand. When she looked backward, she saw the two young girls watching from the window.

Instead of the normal motorcycle waiting in the driveway, she found a black luxury sedan—a uniformed chauffeur waiting with the back door open. Tommy let her climb in first, following quickly after. She could still hear them calling to she and Tommy—could still see the flashes of their cameras through the heavy tint of the windows. “Graham insisted on a driver,” Tommy explained.

“It was a good choice. Amy had a hard time deciding what to do with my hair because she wasn’t sure if I’d have to wear a helmet or not. Actually, she told me that if you showed up on that motorcycle, she was going to insist that we take her car.”

“Well, I’m glad somebody thought ahead.” They fell silent, Penny feeling very out of her element as the car drove smoothly along. “I thought we’d start with a movie, then grab some dinner—but we can do whatever you want,”

“No, that sounds good,” she smiled nervously. “Really, Tommy—Amy just got overly excited about me going out on a date. She wanted to make sure I looked nice, so that way I wouldn’t spend the evening wondering if I was hideous or not.”

“You could never look hideous,” Tommy took her hand and touched his lips to it, dazzling her with his smile. “I didn’t just break a rule, did I?”

“I think my rule only applies to kissing each other.” She told him, her eyes twinkling.

“I’ll make sure I remember that,” he told her, something devilish about his smile. Penny only laughed, shaking her head.

The theater was outside of town, in a more populated city area. The local theater in town was much smaller, playing secondhand reels at discount prices. That was the theater she and Tommy had spent a good deal of time in.

This one was much bigger, and much more modern. It had only been built a few years before. Penny hadn’t been to it much, still preferring the intimacy of the old theater.

The driver pulled into the fire lane and parked the car, getting out to open the door. Tommy exited first, holding his hand out for Penny. She knew, right away, that everyone was looking at them. Her cheeks burned as Tommy slipped his arm around her and led her inside, certain to hold the door open for her.

“Well, what would you like to see?” He asked.

“Oh, I don’t care, Tommy. You pick. Something you haven’t seen.” She added the last part knowing that he had probably been to several of the premieres for each of the movies being shown.

“Well, I haven’t seen any of these with you. It’s been awhile since we saw a movie together.”

“I really don’t care,” Penny repeated, shrugging her shoulders. She was just happy to be there, with him.

“Well, if I recall, Copyright 2016 - 2024