Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,31

concern you.” Kevin could hardly even look Tommy in the eye.

“I can take care of this, Tommy,” Penny told him, but he could see tears in her eyes.

“It looks like he’s bothering you.”

“I said that this doesn’t concern you.” Kevin said through clenched teeth.

“You know, I’m pretty sure I was talking to Penny.” Tommy took her hand and touched her chin lightly so that he could see her eyes. He brushed his thumb over her cheek to wipe away her tears, his anger mounting. “Look, I know you think that you have some kind of power over Penny because—well, I don’t actually know why. I really don’t care, either.”


“But I’m only going to tell you this once. You messed up. You had her, and now you’ve lost her, and that’s something you’re going to have to live with for the rest of your life.” He turned back to Penny, wrapping his arm around her waist. “Come on, Pen. Let’s go sit back down.”

And on the way to the table, Tommy couldn’t help but be proud of himself—for once, he’d managed not to hit someone, even when he really, really wanted to.

It was strange, Penny thought, how dramatically things could change in such a short amount of time. It had already been a week since she and Tommy had made their little debut. She and Amy were sitting in the kitchen, various magazines laid out before them. Her face was on the cover of each one, the pictures ranging from horrible to semi-flattering.

“I can’t believe this,” Amy was still excited about the entire thing. “You’re on the cover, Penny!”

“Yeah, and I look like a raccoon on half of them!” She grabbed at the magazines, stacking them in a pile. The cover of this one featured she and Tommy at the restaurant, Penny laughing while Tommy held her hand.

It had been fairly easy, slipping into her new role. She had taken Tommy’s advice and decided not to even think about it—they were two friends, spending time together. Catching up. The usual.

And it really was the truth.

It was so easy, being Tommy’s friend.

Tonight, however, was going to be different. Graham had instructed that they go out on a real date, Tommy had told her early that morning. Dinner, a movie—maybe even some dancing. He wanted to see romance.

“Hey Amy?” Penny spoke, pushing the magazines away from her.

“Yes, dear?”

“Would you like to go shopping with me?”

“Penelope Lang, going shopping? Whatever could the occasion be?” Penny felt her cheeks redden as she glanced away.

“Tommy and I are…”

“Are you guys having an official date?” Amy covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh my god,”

“Calm down, Amy. It’s just…a movie, maybe some dinner.”

“Just a movie…just dinner…you act like doing these things with a Hollywood celebrity is so normal…”

“Dinner and a movie with Tommy is normal.” Penny shook her head. “We used to do this all the time when we were kids.”

“But you never wanted to go shopping beforehand.”

“I was never being followed by a horde of photographers.” Amy rolled her eyes, waving her hand in the air as if to wave Penny’s reasoning away.

“Let me grab my keys and let Paul know we’re leaving.” Paul, Amy’s husband, was home for the weekend and he had taken the girls out to the park for the afternoon. Penny followed behind Amy, keeping her eye out for any photographers who might have discovered where she lived. She was grateful now that she had decided to list the restaurant as her residence—until she got back on her feet anyway.

Amy drove, without even asking, to one of the more high-end malls in the area. It was a further drive, but Penny decided it was probably a wise decision.

This was why she had brought Amy along. She was so much better at this girl stuff than Penny was. Penny knew what was practical, and she knew what matched. Beyond that, she didn’t give anything much thought.

Then again, she hadn’t really had a reason to.

Now, however…

Penny sighed, staring out the window, thinking back to the magazines. Graham hadn’t been too pleased with the morning-after pictures, but he’d quickly gotten over it, deciding he could spin it positively. Tommy had influenced this quick change of heart by sharing a few choice words with his manager, blaming him for the photographers showing up in the first place.

Then had come the phone calls from her parents, asking her if the rumors were true. “No, Dad—Tommy and I are just catching up. I know that’s not what the Copyright 2016 - 2024