Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,16

she was regretting them. Tommy’s eyes darkened as he looked away. He remained at the bar for a moment before reaching out and picking up her last remaining shot and downing the bitter liquid.

“I’m sorry I intruded, Penny Lane. I hope things work out for you.” She couldn’t even look at him as he made his way out of the restaurant.

Instead, all she could do was lay her head down on the bar, her head swimming.

She had no idea what she was going to do—her options were already so limited. Sell the restaurant, or buy Kevin out.

Except that she couldn’t buy Kevin out.

How could he be doing this to her? How could he have been so different from the man she’d thought he was?

She had thought she’d married someone with the same passions as her. She’d thought he was a decent guy—someone loyal, someone she could count on. After Tommy had left all those years ago, it was Kevin who had stepped into his footsteps. He’d been her friend before he’d been her lover.

And now, so many years later, he was betraying her worse than she’d ever thought possible.

Penny walked home alone that night, lost to her thoughts.

Everything had changed so much over the years. Where had it all gone wrong?

Involuntarily, she thought back to the night Tommy had left. He’d suggested she come along with him, knowing full well that she wouldn’t.

Sometimes, she tried to imagine what life would have been like had she taken him up on that offer. Would Tommy have made it? She knew for certain that she wouldn’t have. Penny’s destiny had never been to act, despite whatever Tommy may have believed.

It was only next to him that she could even attempt to shine.

No, Penny wasn’t made for a life in the limelight and she had accepted that long ago. But still, what would life have been like if she and Tommy had somehow managed to stay together?

What would her life have been like if she and Tommy had even managed to keep in touch?

Another ache thrived to life in her chest and she rolled onto her side, her tears soaking into her pillow.

She thought about how badly it had hurt that Tommy had walked away so easily. There had been nights, especially in the beginning, that she had lain awake all night, staring at the ceiling, wondering where he was and if he was okay.

She had wanted to believe that he needed her. That she had meant as much to him as he had meant to her. When he stopped calling, when he didn’t write…it all became so clear to her.

He’d broken his promise. He’d forgotten about her. And worst of all, she realized that she’d lost the one and only person who would ever completely understand her.

That had been the hardest thing to accept. Because even though she had Kevin, it still felt as if part of her was missing.

And now, looking back, Penny wished she would have listened to her instincts. She had convinced herself somewhere along the way that she had imagined the strength of her bond with Tommy. She had romanticized it, and such a reality didn’t exist.

She had told herself that Kevin was a good match for her.

How wrong she’d been.

About everything.

Seeing Tommy again reawakened something within herself. It gave her reason to believe that—no, she hadn’t imagined it. Whatever she’d had with Tommy was real.

He was her friend. And even if he had disappeared, she was certain he had a reason for it.

Because when she looked into Tommy’s eyes, she could tell that he actually felt guilt. He knew that he had committed a wrong and he felt badly for it.

And how had Penny repaid him?

Oh, that’s right. She lied to him. And then she took her anger out on him.

Tomorrow was going to be a long day.

It was late in the morning when he heard a knock at his door. He groaned, covering his head with the pillow. The knock sounded again, this time with a little more persistence.

He swore loudly as he rose from the bed, throwing the thinning blankets onto the floor and pulling the door open, very angry words on the tip of his tongue.

Very angry words that disappeared the moment he saw Penny standing there, holding a cup of coffee out to him. “Peace offering?”

“I think I’m probably still in your debt, Pen. You don’t have to apologize.”

“But I do.” She sighed, shrugging her shoulders. “It’s a long story.”

“I’ve got time.”

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