Playing at Forever - By Michelle Brewer Page 0,12

Tommy chuckled again, shaking his head.

“It’s Mr. Davidson for you, Ms. Penny Lane.” Penny smiled sadly again, nodding her head. “Well, I guess I should let you get back to work, shouldn’t I?” The restaurant was beginning to come back to life and Tommy was doing his best to keep a low profile.

“I’ll see you tonight then?”

“I wouldn’t miss it,”

Tommy had made the right choice coming back here.

It was exactly what he needed.

Chapter Three

The evening flew by, Penny actually looking forward to something for the first time in months. She felt silly, making everything so easy for Tommy. But it always felt so natural—being with him, that was. As angry as she was, as much as he had hurt her, she couldn’t help the way it all seemed to disappear in his presence.

And by all, she really meant everything. She even stopped caring about Kevin and Gina for a good majority of the day. The past was the past, she told herself.

It was toward the end of the night, when the last of her customers were leaving, that Tommy finally showed up, sliding into the booth across from her as she added some numbers on a calculator. “You look so professional, sitting there with your pen and calculator.”

“And you look like a Hollywood superstar, with your intentionally messy hair and—” Penny glanced at the clock on the wall. “Your ten o’clock shadow.” Tommy chuckled, nodding his head.

“Touché, miss. Touché.” She smiled at him, setting her pen down.

“I’m finished anyway.”

“Don’t I have perfect timing?” Penny raised an eyebrow.

“It’s late.”

“I’m still on L.A. time.” She shook her head, unable to deny her smile.

“You’re just lucky that I’m a night owl.”

“I remember that about you.” She had always been a night person, much like Tommy had been. The two of them had spent many a summer night staring up at the stars, just talking.

“So are you hungry?” she asked, bringing herself back to the present. She didn’t want to confuse the happiness she had felt then with whatever she might feel now.

“Famished.” Penny smiled, sliding out of the booth and motioning for him to follow.

“Well, let’s see what we can come up with, then.” She led him back to the kitchen, trying to think about what she could cook up for the two of them. “How about some fish and chips?”

“Have I ever been a picky eater, Pen?” she was already kneeling down, collecting ingredients.

“How am I supposed to know if Hollywood has changed your taste buds? I’m just a simple girl, Mr. Davis. I don’t do any of that gourmet—” She rose, turning to cross the room. But Tommy was right there, staring down at her with a very tender smile on his lips.

“You’re much more than a simple girl, Penelope. You always have been.” He reached down, touching Penny’s cheek with the backs of his fingers. Against her will, she closed her eyes, holding her breath.

The memory of their kiss was replaying itself over and over in her mind, her body almost aching for it.

As if thinking the same thoughts, she felt him step closer.

“Penny?” her eyes jolted open as she stepped away from Tommy, turning to look at the interruption. Kevin stood in the doorway, his eyes narrowed as he looked between the two of them.

“Yes, Kevin?”

“I’m leaving.”


“I was just letting you know.” She had forgotten he was even there.

“Well, you have a good night then.”

“Aren’t you going to lock up?” Penny sighed.

“You can lock the door, Kevin. I’m a little busy at the moment.”

“I can see that.” She narrowed her eyes at him, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Good night, Kevin.” Before the man left, he made certain to give Tommy a once-over.

“Wow, what was that about?” Penny exhaled slowly, crossing the room to retrieve the bowl she had been going for just moments ago.

“That was Kevin.”

“I gathered that.”

“He’s my…” Penny hesitated for a moment. “Business partner.”

“Well, he was definitely concerned about your…business.” Tommy’s tone was full of suggestion, but Penny just sighed. “I noticed him giving me the eye earlier, too. Didn’t we go to school with him?”

“He graduated with me.” She was flustered now, for several different reasons, least of which was Kevin’s little intrusion. No, what had her most disconcerted was the moment she and Tommy had almost shared before Kevin’s interference.

That would have been a mistake.

“He seemed a little…”

“Hey, why don’t you stop worrying about my business and put yourself to some use.” She pushed a potato peeler into his chest. “Potatoes are in the Copyright 2016 - 2024