The Player - By Rhonda Nelson Page 0,56

his head and his intense gaze tangled with hers. “But I never counted on anything like this. And I damned sure didn’t count on coming up here and falling in love with you.” He took a step toward her and grasped her shoulders. “I love you.” A helpless laugh escaped him. “You are—You are the best thing that’s ever happened to me. I know I was wrong, but—But don’t cut me out over it. This evening you offered me an open invitation. Don’t take it back. Please.”

Audrey considered him a moment. “Why did you make love to me when you’d already gotten the answer you were sent here to get?”

Another helpless laugh rolled out his mouth. “Because I couldn’t not make love to you. I need you.”

A tremulous smile shook her mouth. That had been the answer she’d been hoping for. And she completely understood it, because she needed him, too. She needed that crooked grin and those sexy twinkling eyes. She needed his warmth and his strength and his loyalty and integrity. All of the qualities which had made him a good soldier also made him a good partner. He’d charged up the hill and taken on her grandfather for her, Audrey thought shaking her head. Now, that took courage.

Jamie caressed her cheek, sending a wave of warmth and longing washing through her. Her lids fluttered shut, absorbing the feel of him.

“What do you say, Audrey? Can you forgive me?”

Audrey moved into the safe circle of his embrace, wrapped her arms around his waist, then looked up and pressed a kiss to his jaw. She smiled up at him. “Haven’t you heard? I’m nothing if not forgiving.”

Jamie chuckled, then lowered his mouth to hers.

“No, you’re nothing if not mine.”


* * *

Washington, DC

Three months later…

“I WISH YOU COULD HAVE met him,” Jamie said with a somber sigh. He and Audrey stood in Arlington National Cemetery, next to a plain white marble cross which marked the spot where Danny had been buried. More than a year later and Jamie was still grieving, but thanks to his wife—God, he was proud to call her that, Jamie thought, still in awe—he was allowing himself to mourn instead of blaming himself.

He glanced over his shoulder at Guy and Payne, who were standing a few markers down with the Colonel. The Colonel seemed to be in deep conversation with Payne and, judging from the unhappy look on his friend’s face, he wasn’t enjoying what he was hearing. Welcome to my world, Jamie thought, smiling. He didn’t always enjoy his conversations with the Colonel either.

Garrett had received a commendation this morning and they’d all flown in to be there for him. Despite the interfering way he’d handled things, Jamie still owed him. The man had inadvertently introduced him to the love of his life, after all.

“I wish I could have met him, too.” Audrey sighed. She squeezed his hand. “Daniel Garrett Flanagan,” she announced matter-of-factly.


“If we have a boy,” she said. “We should name him after your friend and my grandfather.”

It was a nice thought, but…Jamie grinned down at her. “I like it, but shouldn’t we worry about that when you actually get pregnant?”

Audrey chewed the inside of her cheek, but didn’t say anything.

Jamie stilled as hope leaped inside him. His heart began to race. “Audrey,” he said slowly. “Are you?” he asked.

A huge grin spread across her lips and she nodded.

Jamie whooped with joy, snatched her up and whirled her around. My God, he thought. He was going to be a father. It was…It was…He shook his head. There were no words.

Except for these. “She’s pregnant!” he bellowed to his baffled friends.

The Colonel beamed at them. “Audrey?” he asked for confirmation.

She nodded again. “Behave yourself and we’ll name a boy after you.”

Guy and Payne sidled over and slapped Jamie on the back. “Congratulations, man,” Guy said, smiling. “We’re honorary uncles, right?”

Jamie grinned. “Definitely.”

Payne looked happy for him, but oddly distracted. And The Specialist rarely became distracted. “Is something wrong?” Jamie asked him, concerned.

“It’ll keep.”

“No,” Jamie insisted. “You can tell me now. What’s wrong?”

He glanced at Audrey, seemed to hesitate. “He just called my favor in.”

So that’s what they’d been talking about. “Where are you going?”

“I don’t know. He’s going to brief me on the return flight.” He cast Audrey an uneasy look. “There aren’t any more unattached women in your family I need to know about, are there?”

Audrey smiled. “Not that I know of.”

Jamie laughed and wrapped an arm around Payne’s shoulders. “Man, all I can say is, I hope you’re as lucky with your mission as I was with mine.”

Payne grimaced. From the look on his face, he hoped differently.

All the characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author, and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all the incidents are pure invention.

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First published in Great Britain 2007

by Harlequin Mills & Boon Limited,

Eton House, 18-24 Paradise Road, Richmond, Surrey TW9 1SR

© Rhonda Nelson 2006

ISBN 978-1-408-91478-6

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