Pistol Whipped - Ashley Bostock Page 0,63

parked and made her way into the courthouse. Her breath caught in her throat at the sight of Logan. He was wearing a black suit with a black shirt and a white tie and the look in his eyes took her breath away. He sauntered toward her as she made her way down the short hall. He handed her a small bouquet of flowers. Lilies! They smelled heavenly.

“My mom insisted you needed these.”

“They smell wonderful, thank you. You look amazing.”

“You look so beautiful, you take my breath away, Gabriella. My very own Cinderella.”

“Let’s go get married.”

Logan and Gabriella walked down the short hall and spoke to the lady behind the counter. Just as they were being ushered in, footsteps pounded against the floor behind them.

“Wait, wait, wait. Wait for us. Please.”

Gabriella and Logan turned to find their friends, Marilyn and Blake, even Blaze had come. Gage, Amber and Brandi trailed close behind the trio. Even Donna was in the crowd.

“What are you guys doing here?” Gabbie cried.

“You didn’t think we’d let you do this alone, did you?”

She hugged Donna, just as the Justice of the Peace arrived and asked them to join him in the small room.

Gabbie hugged Donna and thanked her again for Mary’s ring. She hugged her girls and they all had to ask once again, about her old, new, borrowed and blue pieces.

“Yes. I’ve got the ring. The ring is my old and my sexy bridal panties are new. The necklace,” she tugged on with her free hand, “and my hair piece.” She touched her hair carefully, not wanting any piece to slip out of the barrette.

“I’m good, let’s do this.”

“Please, let’s do this,” Logan groaned.

They all went to sit as Logan and Gabbie walked up to the front of the room. It was a small room, with pew seating of eight rows on either side. There was wood paneling everywhere: along the walls, along the floor and of course at the front where judges and witnesses took the stand.

“No guys, don’t sit. I want you all up here with us. Come on.” She ushered the group to the front. The women stood on her side and the men stood on Logan’s side, each lining across from their significant other. Except for Brandi and Blaze, everyone was happy. Blaze rolled his eyes at Brandi and she rolled her eyes right back. Those two were so immature.

The Justice of the Peace began, and the room got quiet.

The ceremony was over rather quickly, and Logan scooped up his bride and kissed her. He wanted to be alone with her. Right now, and for…well, ever. She was his, all his and there wasn’t a happier man on this planet. His kisses were rough, biting and sucking and he didn’t care. He wanted her badly.

“Down boy,” Gabbie breathed into his mouth. Her face was flushed, her lips glistening and pink where he’d just devoured her. Even with the clapping, he’d forgotten their audience in the room.

“Not a chance, Mrs. Reeves. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

“Gladly, Mr. Reeves. Bye everyone, Logan and I have some things to do.”

“Wait, wait. I need a few more pictures.” Logan’s mom stood up. “Everyone stand next to your date so I can take some.”

Everyone scrambled and once again, Brandi and Blaze were stuck with each other due to lack of having anyone else.

“Smile.” She snapped a few photos with her phone and once she was satisfied, the group broke up. Logan handed Brandi Gabbie’s bouquet of flowers. “Take these, please. We gotta go. See you later, mom.”

“Thanks everyone. Love you guys.”

Logan sped to her condo and like a true groom, carried her over the threshold.

“I couldn’t keep my eyes off you. I’ve been hard the second you walked into the courthouse. You have to get out of this dress.”

He carried her directly to her bed, letting her fall onto the mattress. He yanked his coat off, loosened his tie and pulled it over his head.


Not a chance.

He cocked his head to the side and stopped with his fingertips on the buttons of his black shirt.

“Let me, please,” she said.

He moved his hands and Gabriella unbuttoned his shirt, slowly one by one when all he wanted to do was yank the damn thing off. She smoothed her hands down his chest to the waistband of his pants.

“No way.” He grabbed her wrists and pushed them away. “Out of the dress,” he demanded. “Now.”

He pulled her up, steadying her as she stood on the bed. She

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