Pirate's Gold - S.J. Sanders Page 0,33

body shook with her quiet chuckle.

Of course that would amuse the pirate.

Eventually, Azan came to a stop, depositing Terri and Garswal on the small stretch of firm ground that the crew was clustered nervously upon. Terri wanted nothing more than to push her way through everyone and find Veral, but the warning look in Azan’s eyes kept her in place. The female was drawing deep, ragged breaths and shook her head. Terri understood why as she turned and met the cold gaze of the captain fixed on her.

Egbor was always watching and could retaliate on anyone for the smallest infraction to his rules.

Giving the captain her back, she settled for peering among the crew, searching for a glimpse of her mate’s dark head. A gasp of relief left her lips when she caught sight of him. Just beyond the milling bodies, Veral, standing nearly a head taller than everyone else, was also scanning the small crowd, scowling until he caught sight of her. His glowing blue eyes flared, and he pushed through the bodies separating them, his gaze moving over her anxiously.

Once assured that she wasn’t injured, he calmed as he stood the few feet that he was allowed near her. His fingers stretched out before fisting tightly at his side, his mandibles clicking at a distressed tempo. His eyes cut to the captain, who tapped his blaster meaningfully. Veral growled but turned his attention back to Terri, his gaze piercing her with such intensity that she knew without a doubt that he would slaughter every one of them if he had any assurance that he would be able to escape with her.

Somehow, their restrained proximity to each other created an invisible barrier between them that everyone seemed to feel and acknowledge. The crew gave them their berth. Everyone except an upper crew Blaithari, who attempted to shove him out of the way with the intent to approach the captain, but he was unsuccessful. Veral’s arme snapped out and with one fast move pushed the male into the loose sediment of the bog. The Blaithari’s bellow had everyone on dry land scrambling to pull him out, but Veral barely shifted an inch the entire time that the crew hastened to save their own, his eyes fixed on her as if he couldn’t bear to move them away for even a moment.

“Looks like everyone is here. We will keep moving until sundown,” Egbor called out, his flinty stare sweeping over his crew. Wisely, no one protested. “Mind where you step so that you do not end up like the fools who were eaten, and stay away from the Argurma unless you want to take an unexpected bath.”

Several weary chuckles rose in response to the captain’s remark as eyes turned on the soggy Blaithari male. He snarled at them all before directing a look full of hate at Veral. Her mate, as usual, did not appear concerned with the threat issued. Just the opposite. His lips curled in a chilling smile of anticipation. Casting one more glance full of promise to Terri, Veral strode over and leaped to the next dry mass.

A small group of Turogos watched him with blank stares but nodded their wide heads in a sort of silent agreement among themselves as they proceeded to navigate together over the ground a short distance away. They kept close, moving as a team in a practiced manner that suggested that they were perhaps more familiar with this sort of environment than any of them.

As they followed after Veral, the rest of the crew trickled forward. The captain was surrounded the entire time by his personal guards and no others, though the crew moved like a wall as they crossed the bog nearby. Terri felt a small hand slip into hers as she stared after them. Startled, she looked down and met the concerned gaze of Garswal. She squeezed his hand reassuringly as Azan stepped up to his opposite side. The female handed both of them a hydration pod. Terri gratefully placed it in her mouth and bit down it. Bursting with a small pop, it immediately dissolved, leaking cool liquid down her throat.

“Stick close by my side,” Azan said quietly. “I don’t trust any of this.”

Terri nodded, her jaw tightening, as they kept pace with the crew. Nothing about this place could be trusted. Ultimately, she knew that included Azan as well.


High in the branches, Veral watched the crew slump with exhaustion in whatever small hollow or groove they could find

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