Pirate's Gold - S.J. Sanders Page 0,27

room before Veral could say anything more to him.

Drawing back into his cage, Veral settled on the sleeping pallet in the corner, his back sliding against the wall, the sharp horns on his shoulders scraping loudly against the metal. His vibrissae twitched from the sensation. He curled his lip as he took in his surroundings. The brig was rundown like most of the lower ship. It was clear that the captain was not invested in maintaining that part of the ship. It was disgusting.

Ignoring the food waiting for him, he closed his eyes and touched on that familiar pathway in his mind that connected him to his cousin. He knew that Kaylar would have been waiting for word since receiving the emergency alert. As expected, Kaylar connected with him immediately on their private communication frequency.

“Veral, where are you? The council is very displeased and have alerted the retrieval units. This is very serious, cousin.”

The condemnation from Kaylar was so thick that he felt a wave of hostility curl through his systems from deep within him.

“Do you still have them fooled into thinking that you are not defective?” Veral shot back.

“And it shall remain so. You were unwise to mate and alert the council as to your emotional instability.”

“I sincerely hope that you remember those words when you find a mate.”

“It is fortunate that I am reasonable enough between the two of us that I will not risk such danger. Why are you transmitting to me? I estimated that it would be some revolutions before I heard anything of where you were hiding with your primitive mate.”

“I was, but I require your assistance.”

“This is ill timed, Veral. The council is very curious about the species you discovered a compatible mate in, as you likely are aware. I have been tasked with finding the location of the planet. The operatives who tracked the signal of your mate bonding disappeared, and with their disappearance, all record of where you were was lost.”

“I am aware.”

Silence greeted his statement as his cousin absorbed the meaning. A snort of disgust followed, proving that the male was in his typical foul temper.

“I assumed you were responsible for that. Must you do more to shame the clan? What exactly is it that you need?”

Veral snarled in frustration. He disliked admitting to his cousin that he had been captured, but it could not be avoided.

“My mate and I have been captured by pirates.”


“Yes!” he growled.

“That is equally unfortunate and disgraceful. As I said, I have been tasked already with an assignment. I do not see how I will be available to help… unless…”

Veral gritted his teeth with a renewed aversion to the male firing through his processors. Terri was not going to be happy about this, but he would do whatever he had to in order to ensure the safety of his family. He had not even alerted other salvagers to the wreckage available on the planet as not to further disturb the species in whatever path they were bound to take, whether to extinction or evolution.

“I will give you the coordinates of Earth… the homeworld of the human species.”

The silence fell heavily on the line, leaving nothing but empty static for such a long period of time that Veral wondered if he lost his cousin.


“These terms are adequate. I accept. I will write the expenses off as part of the assigned mission. Send me your coordinates.”

“I am transmitting to you now. We will be arriving on the planet in just a few days. I will attempt to slow the pirates down as much as possible until you arrive.”


“Yes. We were on assignment to salvage when we intercepted those that we assumed were stranded travelers.”

“That was a grievous miscalculation on your part… What are the conditions?”

“Prepare to camouflage in dense foliage.”

Kaylar hissed. “Water?”

“In plenty.”

“You are attempting to jest…”

“Argurma do not possess much of a sense of humor that I am aware of.”

“I hate you… Calculated route estimates my arrival in seven rotations. You are fortunate that I am close to that system.”

“I thank you, cousin.”

Kaylar growled but then let out a long sigh. “Is it true that you bred with your mate?”

“Terri carries my young,” Veral confirmed.

“This is a blessing to our clan, no matter what anyone says. I will see you in seven days. Hold their position there. It would be to our advantage to destroy our enemies from the ground rather than attempt to recover both of you from a ship.”

“Agreed. I will be waiting.”

Their connection went

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