Pirate's Gold - S.J. Sanders Page 0,21

himself in amusement. “I will send someone in with proper items for a female.”

She would have asked him how a pirate ship had anything suitable for a woman, but he walked away without another word. Despite her gnawing curiosity, she didn’t call after him. Instead, her body sagged with relief when the door closed behind him. From the chair, she allowed her gaze to wander. It didn’t take long before she became restless enough to start poking around her surroundings. Just as he promised, everything on the desk was locked, as well as a nearby cabinet.

She had only just started really exploring the room as she tossed a couple of drawers filled with spare clothing and random items of no value to her when the door opened again to reveal at brilliant orange Blaithari. The female’s four breasts were small but visible beneath her tight uniform, her dark hair pulled into a high knot at the back of her head, the remaining length trailing down her back. Her eyes were a very pale yellow, almost colorless, as they regarded Terri with icy detachment.

“The captain had me bring these things for you, female,” she rasped.

The rough sound of her voice was so at odds with almost musical tones of the other Blaithari that it startled Terri, drawing her attention to the female’s face. The Blaithari grimaced under inspection, her throat working as she choked back whatever retort she was going to fire at Terri’s head. It was then that a thick network of scars lacing the female’s throat were clearly visible.

“Quite staring, beast,” she snarled as she foisted a bag into Terri’s arm. “These are for your use. Be grateful. It is far more than any other would receive as captive on board The Black Star.”

Returning her attention to the other female’s face, away from the scars, Terri clutched the bag to her chest. “Thank you, uh…”

The female snorted rudely and squinted at her. “Azan. I suppose that you need to know it since Egbor is making me responsible for your welfare. Never known him to care so much about the comfort of a female in his life,” she scoffed. “You must be something special… A rare pet? A princess? Yours is a peculiarly ugly species if you are. No scales, thin hair and nails, flat teeth, dull eyes, and only one set of arms and tits. I do not understand the attraction. Though I imagine you are warm and soft, which may be pleasing enough,” she acknowledged. “I suppose that would make you an entertaining enough female for the time being.”

Terri’s eyes widened when understanding hit. “Oh no, there’s nothing like that going on here. He is using me as leverage against my mate. The deal was that he had to keep me safe from the crew and this was his best bet.”

“Was it now?” Azan murmured, her lips curving into a menacing smile. “This is hardly safe. I do not like being ordered to watch over you and see to your needs as if I were a servant. I have worked hard and sacrificed much to be second-in-command. That my sex has assigned me as your keeper is beneath me, as is being forced to share my meager belongings just because I am the only female on ship who has them. But,” she said slowly with resignation, “the captain has entrusted me with this, so I will carry out his orders, regardless of my personal feelings on the matter. I only offer one warning: do not even consider doing anything stupid that may reflect poorly upon me.”

Her words dropped to a whisper as she reached out and drew one claw along Terri’s cheek. “I know ways to bring about pain. Pain is my special calling and is what secured my position in this crew rather than becoming of the few miserable females who live short, brutal lives, flung among the lower decks to amuse the males. I will find a way to inflict the worst pain on you without leaving a visible mark. While you are in my charge, you will do as you are told. It is as simple as that.”

Azan made a show of relaxing as she straightened and rocked back on her heels. She glanced around the room placidly, a room that would have been hers if the captain assigned rooms in accordance to the ship’s design. Her expression, however, didn’t waver. It remained cool as she smirked at Terri.

“With arrangements as they are, I am

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