Pirate's Gold - S.J. Sanders Page 0,18

did he.

As an Argurma male, he was accustomed to possessing exact control over so many of his reactions, but he had no control when it came to his mate’s distress. Every dismayed sound she made enraged Veral, his fury mounting with every step deeper into the belly of the pirate ship.

Eventually, they arrived at the brig. It reeked of old blood, urine, and rotten food. An aged door swung open to reveal a cramped cell with nothing inside except a thin, dirty mat thrown on the floor against the wall and a rusted container to expel wastes in tucked into the corner. The cell was so small that there was barely enough room for him to stand in front of the bed as he allowed himself to be herded into the cell. Just as he turned around, the cell door snapped shut, securing him within.

Vibrissae whipping, Veral charged forward, his body slamming into the bars of the door, shaking the entire construct. Unfortunately, everything was well secured, and it didn’t give when his body collided with it. That didn’t stop him from wrapping his fingers around the bars and attempting to rip it free from where it was bolted. His mandibles clacked as he hissed at Egbor, who regarded him smugly from the other side. Terri remained wedged between the males just behind him.

They were going to keep her separated from him!

Egbor’s smile widened. “Do not worry. Your mate will be well taken care of. You understand, of course, that I cannot allow you to keep her in here with you. Not when she is the key to maintaining your cooperation.”

Eyes narrowing on the male, Veral’s lip curled back from his teeth as he lowered his head and brought his face closer to the bars to meet the Blaithari’s gaze. “If any harm comes to her, you will beg me to end your life. Know this: I will show no mercy and every plea will fall on deaf ears. Control me if you must while you can, but be certain that no harm befalls my female.”

The male stared back at him thoughtfully, his head tilted in consideration. Egbor’s nostrils flared, and his shrewd gaze took in every lethal inch of Veral’s killing expression directed at the Blaithari.

A low chuckle rolled from Egbor but he inclined his head in agreement. “I like you, Argurma. It is rare that I meet a male who is nearly as bloodthirsty as me. You would have made an outstanding pirate. Very well. I shall give you my personal guarantee that your female will not come to any harm. She will even have her own quarters, well-guarded from any unseemly conduct from my crude crew. You just keep doing what you are doing—you will lead me to the ship.”

Veral jerked his chin toward Terri. “If you intend to take her planetside, she will need the suit provided for her on my ship in cargo bay. She will require the extra protection, as small and delicate as she is.”

The Blaithari waved a claw absently. “Yes, yes. I would have figured as much. I will send one of my trusted males to fetch them for her before we make planetside.”

“I want her untouched,” Veral hissed. “If you guarantee that no one will lay a hand or civix on her, then I shall not feel inclined to remove them. There will be no other male’s scent upon my mate.”

The captain frowned. “You drive a hard bargain.”

Veral snarled at him. He did not care. He would do nothing unless his mate’s protection was guaranteed in all ways.

Egbor narrowed his eyes. “If I make this concession—and it is a significant one for a female so rare and exotic—then you will lead us faithfully to the resting place of the Evandra?” He crossed two pairs of his six arms, his right hand of the upper set drawing up to tap his bottom lip thoughtfully, weighing his options.

Veral did not like giving the male what he wanted, nor losing the credits and cycles spent on the salvage already—but he would do anything for his anastha. He jerked his head in a stubborn nod, and the male clapped his hands, crowing with delight.

“Excellent!” Egbor trilled. “Very well. You have my word.” The male paused and narrowed his eyes in a cold assessment. “But just so we are clear, since you were so honest and in a sharing sort of mood when it came to what you would like to do to me… betray me

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