Pieces of Us - Carrie Elks Page 0,42

like that.” She leaned in, resting her chin on her palm. “I spent this morning contacting people at the county and the insurance company, and this afternoon talking to suppliers who can help. The short story is, there’s nothing to stop me advertising the pier as a wedding location. I can start as soon as I want.” She pulled her lip between her teeth. “There are a few kinks to iron out, of course. Like access to your boat on wedding days, and for Delmonico’s patrons. But I think we can work that out.”

His eyes were soft as they met hers. “I’m sure we can,” he said. “And I think it’s an amazing idea.”

Her face lit up. “You do?”

“Yeah. It’s the perfect location. Right now, the only places you can get married are either at the Beach Club or the resort. Or the sand itself if you get the right license. The pier would be beautiful, especially as the sun goes down. It’s at its most picturesque then.”

“I thought you might object,” she told him. “Not everybody likes change.”

“I’m a business owner,” he pointed out. “I know how important it is to get the most out of your assets.”

“I’ve been thinking about Delmonico’s, too,” she told him. “I could either create a separate entrance for their restaurant, or they could be part of the package. The restaurant would be perfect for the reception afterward.”

He raised an eyebrow. “You’ve thought of everything.”

“The boat would make an amazing location for a rehearsal dinner, too,” she mused, tracing the swell of his bicep with her finger. “If you ever wanted to do dinner cruises.”

He laughed. “Are we back on that?”

“It’s just a suggestion.”

“It’s a good one, actually. Let me think about it.”


“Now come here,” he said gruffly. “You have some more assets I’d like to exploit.”

“What happened to me getting sore and you being tired?” She tipped her head to the side, amused and turned on by the heat in his eyes.

“I figure I’ll go easy on you this time,” he said, pulling her toward him until she was straddling his lap. “Or maybe you’ll go gentle with me.”

She leaned forward to capture his lips with her own. “I wouldn’t count on it.”


“If you keep cooking for me like this, I’m going to think you’ve got an ulterior motive.” Autumn leaned on the kitchen counter, watching Griff crack an egg into the pan, then move it around with a spatula. Ham was sizzling beneath the other burner, the smell making her mouth water. She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was wearing a pair of soft jersey jogging pants and nothing else. The waistband was low on his hips, revealing the sweet ridges of his six pack and that ‘v’ she traced with her fingers last night.

“I think we both need some food after last night.” He raised an eyebrow at her. “And we have a long day of work ahead of us. I figure we should start the day right.”

“I usually just grab an apple or banana, then buy a coffee from Déjà Brew.”

“You need to eat protein, too,” he told her. “That’s what’ll stop you from feeling hungry before lunch.”

“Is that right?” She grinned at him. “In that case, I’ll have to come here for breakfast every morning.”

He winked. “Works for me.” Grabbing two plates from the cupboard next to the stove, he slid the eggs onto them, followed by grilled ham and tomatoes, plus the bread he’d toasted and buttered. She followed him over to the table, still smiling when he put the plate in front of her.

“I think you’re the first guy that’s ever cooked for me.”

Griff’s brows knitted together. “I thought you were divorced.”

“I am.”

“And your ex never cooked?”

She shook her head. “He was very skilled at picking up take out, though.”

“How about you? Did you cook a lot when you were in New York?”

“Not really. We were both working crazy hours building up the business. A lot of our meetings took place over dinner.”

He speared a piece of ham with his fork. “Do you miss New York?”

“Not yet.” She shrugged, biting into the crisp toast. “Maybe I will in a few weeks, but right now I’m liking it here.”

“I’m liking that you like it here.” His eyes caught hers.

A flash of warmth washed through her. “What time are you taking the boat out today?”

“I’m not. Today’s an admin day.” He lifted his coffee cup. “Usually I hate them, but it’s starting out pretty good.”

“I love admin.”


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