Pieces of Us - Carrie Elks Page 0,23

have a business plan yet?”

“I’m still working on it. Things are a little slower here than in New York.”

“When do you think you’ll be coming home?”

“I don’t know. A while.” The thought of getting back on a plane to New York made her chest hurt. Yeah, she’d made an idiot of herself today on the trail, but she wasn’t ready to leave. This morning on the beach she’d felt like she’d finally come home. Made friends. Laughed a lot. These were things that felt in short supply in New York.

“We miss you here, sweetheart. I just want to help you get back on track. Have you thought about putting the pier back on the market?”

“I’ve only just bought it,” she said with a laugh.

“I could talk to people. Or you could. Maybe Josh could help,” he suggested, sounding hopeful.

The thought of Josh having anything to do with the pier – or her – made her blood turn cold. “I have it under control, Daddy. Please don’t talk to Josh.”

Her dad sighed. “I don’t know how to help you.”

A smile played at her lips. “Maybe I don’t need any help with the business,” she said softly. “Though I’m glad that you care.”

Something beeped on the line. “I have another call,” he said abruptly. “But think about what I said. Your home is here with us.” His voice turned business like. “I’ll look into some options for us to work through.”

She swallowed down a sigh. He always did this. She could protest and he simply wouldn’t hear her. Sometimes it was better to say nothing at all.

“Goodbye, Daddy.”

“Good night, Autumn. I’m looking forward to you coming home. This town isn’t the same without you.”

She ended the call and carried her plate over to the garbage disposal, letting it run extra long to enjoy the grinding noise.

Today hadn’t turned out to be the best day in the world. But tomorrow was another one.

“So how’d your date go?” Jackson asked as the three guys carried their boards toward the water. It was early on Monday morning – the sun had barely begun to rise on the hills behind them, tingeing the darkness of the ocean with sparkling pink tips. The beach was empty and combed – the sand laying in perfect lines thanks to the sandboni that rumbled across the shore every morning, picking up the trash and sifting the grains.

The tide was slowly retreating, leaving a pink sheen on the wet sand behind it. Their bare feet sunk down as they reached the water’s edge.

“It wasn’t a date.”

“Of course it was. You were alone with a girl on the trail. That’s the definition of a date.” Jackson rolled his eyes as he lay his board down in the foamy shore.

“Are we gonna gossip all day, or are we planning on surfing?” Lucas asked, glancing at Griff from the corner of his eye. “I have to be at work by nine, and I promised Ember I’d bring her coffee back before I go.”

“That’s because you’re under the thumb,” Jackson said, grinning.

Lucas looked unperturbed. “Exactly the way I like it.”

Jackson paddled ahead of them, his eyes trained on the waves peaking to the south of the pier. There were only a handful of surfers out on the waves. It was too early for tourists, and most of Angel Sands’ residents were either asleep or heading to work. Only the most dedicated of surfers – and those who’d received a hall pass from the wife – were out before the sun was above the skyline.

“You okay?” Lucas asked Griff as they slowly made their way out into the ocean.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?”

“You looked mad at Jackson. You’re never mad at him. You always laugh when he needles us.”

Griff sighed. “Ignore me. I’m in a shitty mood. Probably shouldn’t have come out today.”

“Did something happen with Autumn yesterday?”

Griff turned to look at Lucas. There was no sarcasm in his face, no judgment. Just the expression of one friend who was concerned for the other.

He couldn’t remember a time when Lucas wasn’t part of his life. The three of them had grown up together. From grade school all the way through to now. They’d ragged each other about girls, commiserated about Griff’s shitty parents, been there when they’d gotten their final grades for school and launched into adulthood.

Most people tend to lose touch at that time. With Lucas heading to White City to become a firefighter, and Jackson studying at school, Griff had been the only one

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