Picture Imperfect - By Nicola Yeager Page 0,41

was it. Maybe I was just too much trouble. Maybe I’ve blown it.

‘About that little incident earlier on…’

‘I’m sorry, Rhoda. It wasn’t planned or anything. I just lost it. I couldn’t, I didn’t…’

‘Yes, yes, yes. All I was going to say was: you have to look after your hands. They are your tools and you don’t do things that will damage your tools. You could easily have broken a bone in your hand doing that and then where would we have been?’

‘So you’re not going to…’

‘I take it that was him?’


‘The he deserved it, the silly bugger. They always turn up, people like that, always when you’re making it. Believe me, he’d have read up on you. Researched you. Come on. That Persian place I told you about is just around the corner. I feel like a ginormous mezze. I’m absolutely starving.’

‘Me, too. And thirsty.’

She pecks me on the cheek, pats me on the shoulder and we walk out of the gallery into the cool night air.

If you enjoyed Picture Imperfect, you might also enjoy Yes Chef, No Chef also published by Endeavour Press.

Yes Chef No Chef

Katie looked at her new black cocktail dress hanging on the wardrobe door and shivered with excitement - she couldn’t wait for the party tonight at The Savoy. It seemed forever since she’d spent any quality time with Tim and hugging herself with anticipation she did a little pirouette to reach the stool in front of her dressing table. Dreamily she thought of how the champagne would flow and how they’d dance the night away wrapped in each other’s arms - surely this would help to get them back on track, she mused, glancing at the bedside clock and praying he wasn’t going to be too late.

Her mobile rang and when she saw his name on the screen she snatched it up. “Where are you?”

With a note of wariness in his voice, he said, “I’m still at the restaurant.”

“But you rang at five o’clock to say you were on your way, and the taxi will be here soon.” Katie exclaimed.

Tim sighed with exasperation as though he was talking to a child, “I know, darling, and I’m so sorry but Jim phoned in sick at the last minute and I’m going to have to stay and cover service for him, and…”

“What!” she yelled into the mobile, imagining him holding it away from his ear and pursing his lips with irritation. She could hear the clatter of pans from the kitchen and an electric whisk whirling, and then a girl’s voice calling for him which made her want to scream in frustration. “Shit, you can’t do this, Tim. Not tonight of all nights?”

“Look, Kate, I can’t just leave the restaurant without a chef on duty. It’s my responsibility, you know that. You’ll be fine with all your work mates and friends,” he cajoled, “I know you’ll have a great time.”

But the hurt and disappointment was raging though her and losing her usual control she snapped, “But it’s my big night and you promised me nothing would stop you from being there. I mean, it’s The Savoy and the tickets cost a fortune, and I have my new black cocktail dress…” she tailed off seething inside.

“Bloody hell, Kate, I’ve more things on my mind than new dresses,” he shouted, “I’ll give you the money for the damn tickets!”

Tears of dismay were pricking at the back of her eyes. She couldn’t believe he wasn’t coming and letting her down again.

“Look, I’ll make it up to you later,” he crooned. “And keep your new dress on so I can see it when I get home.”

Her mouth was dry with anxiety and she only managed to click her tongue in amazement at his patronising tone.

The noise from the kitchen faded and he said softly, “Oh, come-on, you’ll still enjoy yourself. Just make an excuse about work pressures for me and then give them my apologies.”

You can grovel as much as you want, she thought lifting her chin in defiance, but you’re not getting the upper hand. She managed to clear her throat and speak in a calm but detached voice. “I’m sick to death of making excuses for you, Tim,” she said clicking her mobile off.

Her hand trembled while she poured herself a glass of wine. How could he, she raged, he’d actually gone back on his word again. The night had been planned for months and it was supposed to be her chance to impress the new management bosses

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