Phoenix Rising Issue #3 - S. R. Watson Page 0,30

I shared with Melissa even if nothing took place there.

I smile as I grab my plate of eggs and fruit. I’m sure it will pale compared to the taste of her pussy. I have no idea what the hell we’re doing or where we go from here. My mission is still a go, and she isn’t a part of the game of wits. My next move must be thought out with precision. I can’t let any pussy, no matter how amazing, get in the way.

As predicted, the guys begin to trickle in within the next thirty minutes. They’re surprised to see me up with a guitar in my hand.

“Morning, fuckers! I thought you were going to sleep the day away.”

“We all can’t be morning people, asswipe. Why the hell are you so chipper? Melissa gave you a little to take the edge off before she left?” Killian laughs hysterically at his own jab.

“Working on a new song,” I say cryptically. The lyrics have been evading me—I’ve been stuck—but now they’re pouring out of me like a damn waterfall. I have no doubts that the source is Harlow. She’s my muse … my happy place. The more I try to escape her hold, the more she pulls me back under her spell.

I don’t know how to proceed with her. I hate feeling dependent on anyone— giving anyone the power to hurt me. I value my control. I can’t relinquish it to her.

Killian was still talking to me, but I hadn’t heard a word he said. I need to work on this song while I’m feeling it, so I’ll deal with the Harlow situation later. For now, I’ll ride this high.

“Yeah, man. I’m going to take this outside,” I inform them as I hold the paper containing the lyrics on it. The clattering of dishes and conversations in the kitchen were distracting.

I walk down to the water’s edge and have a seat before I begin to play. All my hopes and fears pour out through my fingers as I strum the strings. Oh, my beautiful muse … what am I going to do with you?

Chapter Eleven


I toss and turn, but sleep evades me. Phoenix is ingrained in my every waking thought. I crave his touch. Not just sexually, though that is definitely a bonus. I just need him to hold me—to feel connected. Today, our fuck session was explosive, but I’ve been feeling bereft ever since.

I pull my phone off the nightstand. It’s 2 a.m. I wonder if he’s awake too — if I’m consuming his mind like he is mine? I know it’s wrong, but my conscience is compromised at the moment. I want to be selfish. I don’t want to consider Melissa’s feelings. Phoenix took my heart and is holding it hostage. The decision has been made. I knew I would give in to my needs long before my feet hit the floor. I was only denying the inevitable.

I wade through the darkness, my heart pounding in my ears. The lump in my throat competes with my breathing. I’m afraid. What if he rejects me? Each step brings me closer to his door and to my fate. Should I knock? I pause at his door, unsure. What little confidence I had to start with has vanished. Mustering what courage I could through adrenaline and fear, I turn the knob. It’s unlocked. Just enough light filters through the curtain for me to make out a single form lying in bed.

I take another step, bumping into a stool that I missed. It wobbles against the wood, but I catch it before it tumbles. Phoenix sits up with a start. He reaches over to the nightstand to turn the lamp on, and I freeze, uncertain of what to do next. I didn’t think past getting here.

“Harlow?” He rubs his eyes in confusion. “What are you doing in here?”

“I … I … um, I needed to see you,” I stutter.

“At two in the morning?” he questions as he glances at his phone.

“Yeah. I couldn’t sleep.”

This is going nowhere fast. I don’t see an invitation to join him in bed anytime soon, so I need to take action. My heart speeds up, slamming against my chest. I blow out an exasperated breath and go for it.

“So you decided to wake me up since you couldn’t sleep?”

“No,” I say simply as I crawl on the other side of him, waiting for him to demand that I get out of his bed.

“Then what are you doing then?”

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