Phoenix Rising Issue #3 - S. R. Watson Page 0,1

to calm down.”

“Exactly.” Lily nods. Ren walks up and pats me on the shoulder before he and Killian exit the bus, I’m guessing to go look for Asher.

“I think I can help fix this,” Sevyn offers. I don’t know what he can do to fix this mess, but it’s all too much.

Phoenix’s and Asher’s words replay in my head, and I just need to get the fuck off this bus too. On shaky legs, I make a run for it. I’m already through the door before I hear Lily call after me. Once my feet hit the pavement, I gain momentum. I let the fear, hurt, and anger propel me forward. I don’t even know where I’m going. I don’t have any money or any identification since I just left what little I do own on the bus. Luckily, my phone was in my pocket, but I refuse to call Irelyn. I don’t need to bring anyone else into this mess or have another set of eyes looking at me with pity.

After running several blocks, my legs betray me, so I slow to a walk and then come to a complete stop in front of a bus stop. My lungs burn with each breath I inhale. I heave, bending over at the waist. As I look around, I have no idea where I am, but the haunted gray skies and petrichor are a pretty accurate depiction of my melancholy mood. My world is collapsing on itself, and the trickling domino effect has been set in motion. The thought of shattered dreams, broken friendships, and irreversible loss suffocates me. I can’t breathe. A few drops of rain splatter across my back, but I can’t will myself to move. I see a Starbucks across the street where I can take shelter, but that would require my spent body to cooperate and this darkening haze to recede. I lean against a bench mere inches in front of me. When someone grabs my shoulder unexpectedly, my fight-or-flight response gives me just enough energy to jerk away from the stranger’s grip, a scream catching in my throat. Luckily, it’s Sevyn. He grabs me by the waist and whispers against my ear.

“Shhh. It’s me,” he says before releasing his hold. “You know you really should be more aware of your surroundings. I’ve been running a few paces behind you this entire time.”

“You scared the living shit out of me. Why the hell are you following me anyway?” I huff, still trying to fill my lungs with air. “I need to sit. I feel dizzy.”

“Well, apparently it’s a good thing I did since you were so oblivious to everything around you.” The rain droplets turn into a downpour. “We need to get you out of this rain.” Without hesitation, he swoops me into his arms and begins a slow jog toward the Starbucks. I’m too tired to fight. We’ll wait out the downpour, but I know that the shitstorm I sprinted away from will still be waiting when I return.

Chapter One


The guys have a show tomorrow night, but everything is a mess. Phoenix has yet to return, Lily and Asher are fighting because of me, and I’m hiding in the master bedroom. I let Sevyn convince me to come back to the bus, but now that I’m back, I don’t feel like I belong here anymore. Everything has changed. I don’t even know if there will be a band to write about now. I look over at Lily curled up in the chair next to the bed. Her face is mere inches from her history textbook, but I doubt she sees any of the words on the page. The sullen look on her face pains me because it’s all my fault. I need to fix this mess, and maybe I can begin with her. I walk over and take a seat on the ottoman before pulling her legs onto my lap.

“I hate that you’re fighting with my brother,” I begin. The word brother is strained as it comes out. If it were up to him, I’m sure he’d no longer see us as family. “This is between him and me—”

“He’s being ridiculous. Well, I told him he was a jackass … Those were my exact words. When he returned and found out you had left, he still refused to see reason. His disregard for your feelings and Phoenix’s part in this infuriates me.” She slams the book onto her lap, knitting her eyebrows in frustration. “He yelled Copyright 2016 - 2024