Phoenix Flame - Sara Holland Page 0,92

of downturn. Graylin sat between Nahteran’s bed and mine, taking turns pouring healing magic into us both. Nahteran was on the edge of death from getting stabbed, and the jack’s magic—getting that piece of his soul back—didn’t fix the burns on his arms and chest. I am, according to Graylin, extremely concussed, and my body is covered with bruises from tangling with the Silver Prince. Meanwhile, Taya—who came out the best of us three, though she still needed bandages up and down her arms to cover the bright red burns—caught Marcus and Mom up on what happened.

I can’t help but wish that Brekken were here, to hold my hand and distract me from the aching all through my body and the pounding in my head. But he’s gone, through the Fiordenkill doorway to stand trial. And more than that, I don’t know, even if he were here, that there would be any coming back from the things we said yesterday, as far as our relationship goes. He’ll never change his priorities—his duties, his country, the order and safety of the Realms—and maybe it’s selfish of me, but I’ll never be sorry for trying to save Nahteran and Mom, even though it risked everything else. Even if I had failed, I still wouldn’t regret it. I don’t know how to bridge that gap with Brekken or how to mend that break.

“Graylin,” I mumble, and he turns his head toward me, brow wrinkled with concern.

He reaches out to feel my forehead, but I stick a hand out of the covers to stop him.

“I was just wondering about Brekken. Did he talk to you before he left? Did he rehearse his defense?”

Graylin smiles sadly and nods. “I tried to convince him to let me go instead, but he wouldn’t have it, your Brekken. He showed me the speech he was planning to read at the trial. It was good.” Graylin lays a comforting hand on my shoulder, his eyes sympathetic. “I know it must not be much help to hear, Maddie, but I have faith. If anyone can win Myr over, it’s Brekken. You know he’s a charmer.”

I smile weakly and nod. I’m not totally satisfied, of course, but I don’t have to figure out things with Brekken today. For all Brekken’s trepidation about our plan with the Silver Prince, I survived. I have a chance to make things right, now. I just have to hope that Brekken gets that chance too. I want him to be safe and happy no matter what becomes of us.

Out of the corner of my eye, I see Taya looking our way, her hair tucked not so casually behind her ear. My heart flips a little. Turns out, shoving away my feelings for her while she was in Solaria didn’t make them disappear. But deep down, even if she feels the same way, I know I need to take time to heal from everything that happened with Brekken. I need to focus on my family for now. My newly whole family.

Once Nahteran is out of the danger zone, everyone clears out except for Mom. To give us some privacy, I guess. Mom quickly falls asleep in the chair between our beds. I close my eyes too and let the quiet wash over me. But then …

“Maddie.” I hear my name, softly. I let my eyes open a crack, not sure if I’m dreaming or not, to see Mom leaning toward me, outlined in hazy sunlight.

Some time has passed, I realize. The sun streaming into the infirmary isn’t morning sunlight, but bright midday rays. And Nahteran is sitting up in his bed. He still looks pale and fragile, but he’s awake.

He smiles weakly at me. “Hi.”

Joy lights me up, and I clamber out of bed to give him a hug. My battered body screams in complaint, but I ignore it. Nahteran’s alive. That’s the only thing in the world that matters at this moment. He’s still for a second, like he’s surprised, but then his arms come up hesitantly around me too.

“I was just telling Nate—” Mom’s voice cracks, and she breaks off, starts again. “I was just telling Nahteran that I’m sorry for not protecting you two from this. Sorry for everything.”

I open my eyes to stare at her over Nahteran’s shoulder. Protests immediately rise to my lips, and I open my mouth to voice them, but Mom stops me with a shake of her head.

“I thought Cadius loved me. I thought he was different,” she says, Copyright 2016 - 2024