The Petrov Brothers - J.L. Beck Page 0,71

being the man she needs, being her husband, being…

“It’s beautiful out here.” Her sing-song voice interrupts my thoughts.

I know she is talking about the scenery but all I see is her as I answer with a lazy, “Yeah.”

“I’m getting kind of hungry though. maybe next time we come out, we should pack a picnic or something?”

“That would be a great idea, actually.” I smile, guiding her back up the trail and toward the house. Nothing could ruin this moment between us, nothing but…

As soon as we reach the end of the trail I can tell something is off. I have this deep gut-wrenching feeling that something bad is going to happen. I grip onto Violet’s hand harder, and she looks up at me, concern filling her features.

“Are you okay, Ivan?” Her voice is loud, louder then I need it to be in this moment, and I press a finger against her plump lips.

“Something is off,” I whisper, leaning into her body, my lips right beside her ear. At my words, she perks up, her eyes go wide, and I know she realizes exactly what I am saying. I guide us up the walkway some more and stay perched behind a set of trees, shielding Violet’s body with my own. I release her hand and grab the gun from the back of my jeans.

“Ivan,” she gasps softly when she sees it.

The air is thick with danger, and a soft wind blows across the yard, carrying with it two scents. The hairs in my nose tingle, and I know that smell... the cologne. I narrow my eyes to slits and shut every single thought off in my mind. Right now, my job is to protect myself and Violet.

My eyes move away from the house and down the driveway. There’s an all-black SUV parked at the very end, blocking the only road out of this place, and I’m not dumb enough to assume that it’s someone lost, looking for directions or something.

No, these are Rossi’s men.

“What’s going on, Ivan?” Violet asks, tugging on the back of my shirt.

“Kitten, I’m going to need you to go and hide.” I twist around to look her straight in the eyes. “Do you understand? You need to hide, and you cannot come out until I come to get you. No matter what you hear, you don’t come out.”

“What are you going to do?” Her voice comes out frantic, as if she is scared of something may happen to me.

“Don’t worry about me, Kitten, just make sure you’re hidden.” I quickly scan our surroundings, my eyes landing on a small shed half hidden behind a group of trees at the edge of the property.

“Just walk in that direction.” I point in the way we just came. “Keep walking until you see a shed. Get inside it, and close the door behind you.”

She gives me a look that says she may fight me on this, but I have no time for that. I point her in the direction, and she hesitantly starts heading that way.

“Be careful, please,” she whimpers, giving me one last fleeting look over her shoulder.

I watch her walk away, keeping my eyes on her until I can no longer see her. Once she’s out of sight, I move closer to the house. I watch the idiots move around through the windows. They’re tossing shit around, destroying the place as if they’re looking for something.

Four… I see four bastards. They’re loud, uncaring of the noise they’re making. Stupid. So fucking stupid. I watch through the trees at the perimeter of the house as one of the fuckers lifts a pair of Violet’s panties to his nose, inhaling them. Of course, Rossi would send these stupid assholes out to get me. As if I wasn’t trained or skilled enough to kill them.

I wait until all of them are at the front of the house, before I make my way to the back door. I duck to the ground when I pass one of the windows, and I remain that way until I reach the back door. With the gun firmly in my hand, I slowly push down the handle.

I hold my breath at the creak the door makes, hoping they didn’t hear it. Surprise gives me an upper hand against them. If I lose that, I might be in trouble, seeing that I’m outnumbered four to one. My thoughts shift to Violet for one fleeting moment.

Guard her. Make sure they don’t get her.

I swallow, a lump of fear Copyright 2016 - 2024