The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,47

exactly, but position. They’re outside the operational chain of command, though.’

‘So if I’m standing in for Roger, does that mean I’ve got equal status to Kiddrick?’

‘As far as I’m concerned, yes.’

‘Good! I’ll remember that the next time he goes off on one at me.’

Tony laughed again. ‘That should be fun to watch. Okay, let’s get your tea.’

The long day over, Bianca returned to her car. The Fusion was not all the agency had provided; although her own phone was compatible with the US network, she had still been given another, Tony explaining that it had ‘NSA-grade security’. However, that was of less interest to her than having the American government pay for her international calls.

So, she first rang her parents to assure them she was perfectly fine and her sudden decampment to the other side of the Atlantic was nothing to worry about; then James Harding to say much the same for business rather than personal reassurance. The good news there was that the deal had gone through, the investors finally signing earlier that day. Harper’s threat had remained unused. Her absence would not even be an immediate issue – as Albion had said, everything was now in the hands of lawyers and bankers.

‘But,’ said James, ‘you will be back here when everything gets moving again, won’t you? You are rather important to Thymirase’s development, after all.’

There was definite concern behind his understatement. Bianca couldn’t do much to alleviate it. ‘Believe me, I’ll be back the second Roger is on his feet. When that’ll be, though . . . I don’t know. A few weeks. Maybe.’

‘Hopefully not much longer. Are you seriously telling me there’s literally not a single person in the whole of the States who could take over for him?’

‘Apparently not,’ she replied, deciding he wouldn’t like the truth even if she could tell him.

‘Oh. Great. Still, whatever it is you’re up to is obviously important, considering I had MI6 talk to me yesterday and somebody from the US embassy today. So make sure you claim for everything you can think of on your expenses, all right?’

‘They’re paying for this call, for a start . . .’ She trailed off on seeing someone crossing the parking garage.

Adam. He went to a car, a Fusion like hers only dark blue instead of silver, and got in.

A wild impulse took control. ‘Anyway, sorry, but I’ve got to go,’ she hurriedly told James. ‘I’ll talk to you soon, okay? Bye.’ Before he could reply, she had disconnected.

Okay, mystery man, she thought. I’m going to find out something about you today, even if it’s only where you live.

Adam set off. She started her own car and cautiously followed.

While she didn’t know anything about the techniques of spying, it struck her that staying six feet behind his rear bumper would give her away, so she paused at the top of the ramp to let a couple of other cars pass before pulling out after him. It was now dark, which made her even more nervous about the mirrored road rules. But the traffic was not moving especially quickly, so she decided that if she just went with the flow she would probably be okay.

Adam was still two cars ahead as they stopped at traffic lights. If her bearings were correct, he was heading east. Green lights, and they set off again. He changed lanes to turn left. Nervously, she indicated and edged into the adjoining lane to follow, getting an irate honk from the car behind. There was now only one car separating them as they made the turn.

She maintained the gap as her quarry continued through Washington, making a couple more turns. Before long, she was completely lost. The satnav was no help, since she didn’t know where Adam was heading. All she could do was keep after him.

A smile came to her lips. This was, in a strange kind of way, fun. Under the circumstances, playing the spy felt oddly appropriate.

They left central DC on a main road, heading . . . north-east? She wasn’t sure. The office buildings gave way to a lower sprawl. Adam kept going, minutes passing. Her girlish enthusiasm started to fade. For all she knew, he lived fifty miles away. Perhaps this hadn’t been such a great idea after all . . .

Adam suddenly switched lanes, cutting sharply to the right. Horns sounded. Bianca was not sure how to follow – there was no space in the lane beside her. She braked, indicating right and creeping Copyright 2016 - 2024