The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,33

security of the United States – and its allies – right now. The results it has obtained are valuable enough that Dr Albion’s injury denies us the use of an important intelligence-gathering asset. And that is something I am not prepared to allow.

‘Dr Albion says you are the only person capable of continuing in his role. Without information to the contrary, I have no choice but to believe that.’ He gave Morgan and Kiddrick momentary glances, Bianca realising that he was waiting – even hoping – for either man to provide such information. But neither replied. ‘That being the case, I will do whatever it takes to make this happen. I’ll start by offering a carrot: we’ll pay you whatever you want, within reason, to take over from Dr Albion until he’s fit enough to return to duty.’

Bianca was taken aback by the bluntness of the offer. ‘Ah, that’s very . . . generous. But I’ve got responsibilities back in England – my company’s in the middle of making a major deal, and I’m a key part of it. If I walk out on them, even if it’s only for a month or two, it could affect the deal, cost my friends their jobs—’

‘I know about the deal,’ Harper interrupted. He slid a sheet of paper from a folder. ‘You know what else could affect it? Thymirase being denied approval by the Food and Drug Administration for sale or use in the United States. I guessed from your file,’ he tapped the page, ‘that the carrot wouldn’t do much for you, since money isn’t your motivation.’

‘Wait – how did you get a file on me?’ Bianca demanded.

But Harper continued, his words rolling over hers like a juggernaut. ‘So here’s the stick. If you don’t agree to help us, your investors will be officially informed, within the hour, that the FDA will never grant approval for Thymirase. Without access to the US market, no drug company will ever buy the rights or fund further research. Your company’s deal will be dead in the water.’

Bianca was so outraged she struggled to speak. ‘You – you can’t do that! That’s blackmail, that’s illegal. You can’t do that!’

‘Yes I can,’ was his cold reply. ‘In this business, if you have no choice, you have to make sure the other guy has even less. Right now, if we want the Persona Project to continue – and we do – we have no choice but to bring you aboard.’

‘And I have no choice but to be press-ganged?’

‘That’s about the size of it.’ He pushed the paper back into the folder. ‘I’m not happy about it either. Under normal circumstances, a foreign national, even from a close ally, would never have been allowed near STS. Especially not one with your political leanings. But we need you. And we’re going to get you. I take it we have your agreement?’

Bianca shook with fury, made all the more intense by the humiliation of being rendered helpless. She had no doubts whatsoever that Harper would carry out his threat; if he did so, she would return to England to find that Thymirase was dead, taking the entire company down with it. The careers of fifteen people would be wrecked, and the two years she had spent working on the drug wasted.

As Harper had said: no choice.

‘Do we have your agreement?’ Harper repeated, more forcefully. She nodded, unable to speak. ‘Good. Martin, you deal with the specifics. Dr Kiddrick can explain the technical side. In the meantime, I have a meeting at the White House.’ He collected his documents and placed them in a briefcase before leaving without a further word.

Morgan looked apologetic. ‘Ah . . . sorry, Dr Childs. I didn’t realise the Admiral was going to be quite so . . .’

‘Unpleasant?’ she almost spat.

‘Hard-headed. But we can talk money – and I’ll arrange accommodation, a car . . .’

‘Whatever.’ She clenched her fists under the table, trying to stop them from trembling. ‘Well, I’m in, you’ve got me – you might as well tell me all your secrets now. Since I’m apparently the only person in the world who can help you use them.’

‘Apparently, indeed,’ said Kiddrick. His nasal accent, allied with his suddenly condescending manner – which had manifested the moment Harper left the room – did nothing to endear him to Bianca. He picked up a remote control and used it to switch on the big screen. ‘I’ll give you the basics for now, since I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024