The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,130

imprinted with Muqaddim al-Rais’s persona, but circumstances forced the team to erase it before he could be debriefed. However, we still have a recorded copy of that persona. Our plan is to re-imprint it and get as much information as we can.’

‘I thought using the same persona twice was unsafe?’

‘Given the circumstances, it’s the only logical option,’ said Kiddrick. ‘We think the risk is minimal.’

‘You think the risk is minimal,’ Bianca said pointedly.

‘All right, Dr Childs, that’s enough,’ said Morgan. ‘We need that information.’

‘See to it,’ said Sternberg. ‘Hopefully we can salvage something out of this mess.’

‘We did get the RTG, sir,’ Tony reminded him.

‘There is that, I suppose. NEST has secured it at Elmendorf. The question now is what we actually do with the thing. I doubt the Russians will ask for it back, considering how much it’ll cost them to make it safe. Anyway, do you have anything else to say at this stage?’

‘You’ve been told everything I have, Alan,’ said Harper. ‘As soon as STS gets anything more, you’ll be copied in on it.’

‘Good. The President wants to be kept fully informed – after all, he has to smooth things over with our Russian friends. In the meantime, get as much as you can from al-Rais’s persona.’ He leaned forward, face filling the screen like a gargoyle before he disconnected.

‘Well,’ rumbled Harper, ‘looks like you all get a stay of execution – for the moment. Get to it, then. Re-imprint al-Rais’s persona and get everything you can out of him.’

‘I still think that’s potentially dangerous,’ Bianca objected.

‘You’ve made it very clear what you think, and right now I don’t care. A second imprint isn’t going to kill him.’

‘But what about a third? Or a fourth, or fifth?’

‘Just get it done,’ snapped Harper. He gathered his papers and stood up to leave.

‘What about Qasid?’ asked Adam.

‘What about him?’

‘He knows the identity of a mole in Pakistani intelligence, sir. We need to find out who that is.’

‘Al-Rais is top priority. You heard the man.’ He jerked a sarcastic thumb at the screen. ‘Let’s gut the big fish before we bother with the small fry.’ He turned to Morgan. ‘Where is this guy Qasid?’

‘In holding,’ Morgan replied.

‘Get a team over here to do a prelim and process him, then render him to Gitmo on the first available flight. Cuba’s the best place to interrogate these people, not DC. Whatever he knows, we’ll find out there.’

Adam started to protest. ‘Sir, I don’t think—’

‘We need to get as much as we can from al-Rais’s persona while the intel is still actionable, Agent Gray! If we waste time and resources on nobodies like Qasid, al-Rais’s people will find new rocks to hide under, and the men who died in Russia will have done so for nothing. Get your priorities straight. Is that understood?’

‘Yes, sir,’ Adam replied emotionlessly.

‘Good.’ Harper headed for the door. ‘Keep me posted,’ he said without looking back.

Uncomfortable looks passed around the table after the door closed. ‘Well, that was . . . pleasant,’ said Levon. ‘And I wasn’t even in Russia!’

‘What’s happening about recovering the bodies of our guys?’ Baxter demanded.

Morgan shook his head dolefully. ‘That’s all in State’s hands at the moment.’

‘We can’t just leave them there to rot.’

‘I know, I know. I’ve already pushed for an answer. But until we get one, let’s get on with the job in hand. Dr Kiddrick, Tony, Adam, Dr Childs – use the recording of al-Rais’s persona and start a debriefing. And yes,’ he added, raising a hand to block any objections, ‘I know some of you have problems with that. They’ve been noted.’

‘Are they also going to be ignored?’ said Bianca.

‘Dr Kiddrick thinks it’s safe, and he’s the senior adviser, so we’ll proceed on that basis. Now, are there any further questions?’

‘I had one about hazard pay?’ said Kyle. All eyes turned to him, none approvingly. ‘But . . . I can put it in an email, I guess.’

‘I look forward to reading it,’ said Morgan scathingly. ‘Okay. Let’s get back to work.’

Everyone filed out. In the corridor, Adam was about to follow Tony and Bianca to the lab when Holly Jo stopped him. ‘Adam?’


‘There’s, er . . . something I want to say.’ She glanced down the corridor to check that Morgan was out of earshot.

‘Yeah, me too,’ added Kyle.

‘What is it?’ Adam asked. Bianca and Tony halted, watching with curiosity.

‘I know the mission didn’t go all that well,’ said Holly Jo. ‘But you . . . well, you saved Copyright 2016 - 2024