The Persona Protocol - By Andy McDermott Page 0,118

single interrogation session to break him – and the same will be true of his persona. I can tell. He’ll be fighting me all the way.’

‘When you say “fighting”,’ Bianca asked hesitantly, remembering the fleeting moment of hatred in his eyes immediately after the transfer, ‘do you mean that literally? Is his persona . . . is it trying to take control of you?’

‘No, but there’s . . . resistance.’ Seeing her questioning expression, he expanded: ‘Remember what I said on the plane about Vanwall’s fear of heights? When I was using his persona to play cards, I could call up his memories as easily as my own – I wasn’t doing anything against his interests, or his instincts. But when his fear of heights kicked in, it took effort to overcome. It’s the same thing here, like a kind of mental wrestling. I can overpower him, but . . . it takes work.’

‘But you’ll be okay?’

‘I’ll be fine – for now. If they imprint al-Rais’s persona on me again, I don’t know.’ He shook his head. ‘I really don’t know.’

‘I’ll do everything I can to stop them from doing it,’ she assured him. ‘However much that’ll be worth.’

‘It’s worth a lot to me,’ he said. ‘Thank you.’

She smiled at the unexpected compliment. ‘No problem.’ He returned it, faintly. ‘So, this other guy you took prisoner—’


‘Bless you. You said he recognised you?’

‘Yes. But I don’t know why.’

‘Well, you’ve got al-Rais’s memories now. Maybe he knows.’

Adam nodded thoughtfully. ‘He probably does. So ask me.’


‘It’s easier for me to remember things spontaneously by being asked direct questions than by making random associations. Ask me something about Qasid.’

‘I’m not really a master interrogator, but . . . okay. What does Qasid do in al-Qaeda?’

‘He’s one of my most . . . reliable men,’ Adam said, hesitating mid-sentence. ‘One of al-Rais’s men, I mean. Qasid’s one of his best people. He has contacts in Pakistani intelligence, in the government—’ He suddenly stopped, shocked.

‘What is it?’

‘There’s a mole. Qasid was given information by a high-ranking mole! It’s how they knew the Secretary of State’s route in Islamabad, how they were able to set up an ambush. Qasid got it from someone working in intelligence.’


He frowned in concentration. ‘Al-Rais doesn’t know. Qasid kept all his sources secret so they couldn’t be exposed if someone else in the organisation got captured. But he knows it was someone with access to highly classified information.’

‘That should narrow things down, though, shouldn’t it?’

‘Definitely. The Secretary’s entire visit was top secret, never mind the route she was taking to the meeting. They’ve got to let me take an imprint from Qasid. He knows who the mole is!’ He reactivated the earwig. ‘Holly Jo, put me through to—’

Two sharp cracks came from somewhere outside. Adam’s head snapped round at the noise. ‘Kyle! That was gunfire – what’s happening?’

‘I dunno,’ said Kyle, confused. ‘I landed the UAV to save power – the camera’s off.’

Adam drew his SIG and ran to the door. Baxter had also heard the noise, hurrying up behind him with his rifle raised. ‘What was it?’

‘I don’t know. Bianca, stay back,’ Adam warned as he surveyed the scene. No movement . . .

‘Tony!’ he shouted. Tony was sprawled on the ground near the jetty, blood on his face. Nearby was Trenton, red lines oozing over his coat from a ragged wound in his back. No sign of Cope – but then he saw the other man’s legs at the water’s edge, his upper body half-submerged amongst the broken ice where he had fallen.

Al-Rais was gone.



Adam!’ said Holly Jo. ‘Zykov’s satphone – someone’s using it!’

‘Tap it,’ Adam ordered. He heard a shrill whine nearby as the UAV took off. ‘John, cover me!’

He hurried across the tracks to the fallen men. Tony was alive, but barely conscious, a deep cut on his temple. Both Cope and Trenton were dead, shot. Trenton’s G36 was missing. Adam looked round. Al-Rais had gone to Zykov’s body to get his phone. The nearest cover from there was in the woods to the north.

He signalled for Baxter to watch in that direction. ‘Tony! What happened?’ The only reply was a groan.

‘I’ve got al-Rais,’ Holly Jo reported. ‘He’s talking to Sevnik – oh, crap.’


‘He’s turning round. Adam, the gunship’s coming back!’

‘Kyle, find the Hind,’ said Adam. ‘I need to know the second you see it. John! Help me with Tony!’

As the rest of Baxter’s men took up positions to watch the woods, their leader ran to Adam. ‘What Copyright 2016 - 2024