Period 8 - By Chris Crutcher Page 0,41

between his legs. “Arney’s involved in this some way I don’t get.”

“Involved in what? You have a conspiracy theory?”

“Maybe. Shit, I don’t know.”

“Man, you should finish out the year at the alternative school. Stay away from all this shit.”

“No kidding. And then there’s Mary’s dad. Man, he is a whole other thing. Either she stays five moves ahead of him or . . . I don’t know what. That girl is under siege. You ever do soft eyes, Jus?”

A rapid shake of the head. “What’s that?”

“You know, when you’re looking too hard at some problem—like even in calc—you just let everything go unfocused and things that are supposed to go together, do?”

Justin shakes his head again. “I go hard eyes in calc,” he says. “Best way to see Marley’s answers.”

Paulie knows he’s kidding. Justin Chenier would cheat at nothing, particularly in calc, where all eyes would be on his paper.

“When I go soft eyes on all this,” Paulie says, “Mary’s old man comes floating right to the center. But so does Stack.”

Justin squints. “So this Virgin Mary thing, you involved?”

Paulie looks away. “Not really, at least not in the way you’re talking about. I didn’t have sex with Mary Wells because I wanted to. . . .”

“You didn’t have sex with her because you didn’t want to.”

“It’s a long story, Jus, and way over your head.”

“Best you hit the water with the Log man tomorrow. This is the kind of shit you take to a pro.”


“Hey, asshole, we need to talk.”

Paulie walks toward his car following last period. It’s Friday afternoon and he’s looking forward to a hard swim. He turns to face Arney. “So talk.”

“What was that bullshit on the court the other night?” Arney says.

“I told you before,” Paulie says back, “don’t bring that weak shit into the paint on me.”

“You could have just wrapped me up.”

“You got around me. I wasn’t going to give you a cheap one.”

“It’s rat ball, for chrissake,” Arney says. “And I’ll tell you what, buddy, it felt personal.”

Paulie leans against the Beetle. “You’re right, Arney. It was personal. It was about you and Hannah and all the bullshit you’ve been throwing . . . like since the third grade.”

“You said—”

“I know what I said, and it’s too late to un-say it. But I never would have done that to you. Wouldn’t have even asked. I wouldn’t have done it to Hannah, either. I’ve got too much chivalry to take her out on the court, so you got the lucky draw, okay? Besides, she’s tougher than you, so it was less risky.”

Arney looks down. “You’re right, man. I’m sorry. I’ll stop—”

“Fuck that,” Paulie says. “That genie doesn’t fit back into the bottle. She looks different to me than she did a week ago anyway. I’ll just stay away from you guys.”

“Listen . . .”

“Listen, my ass. I’ve figured you out, Stack. You try shit ’til something works. You asked me about you and Hannah and I said ‘go ahead’ when I meant ‘what the fuck’ because I figured I screwed Hannah over and I don’t deserve a break. But see, you know that about me, Arney. You knew what I’d say. You also knew what a kick in the gut it would be. So when I finally man up and say the truth, you act surprised. Fuckin’ Alfred E. Stack. What, me an asshole?”

“It wasn’t my idea,” Arney says. “Hannah was the one—”

“You’re doin’ it now, you dick. Hannah’s tough, but she’s not mean, and she knows she could crush me a lot of ways without going after one of my so-called friends. I know you’ve said some shit to her you wouldn’t say to me. She’s hanging out with you and there may be some good feeling of revenge to it, but she didn’t invent this. You’re lucky she and I aren’t talking because she’d figure you out pretty quick and this shit would be over.”

Arney’s hands go up. “Look, man, I’m just trying to find a way to preserve our friendship. We’ve known each other since we were kids. We can’t let some chick—”

“Hannah Murphy’s not ‘some chick.’”

“You know what I mean.”

“I do know what you mean. Tell you what, go home and write down all the shit you’ve told me in the last few weeks that I might know is a lie. I don’t know it all yet, but it’s getting clearer every day.”

Arney swells up, and his expression turns to stone. “Have it your way, buddy. Maybe this is Copyright 2016 - 2024