Perfectly Adequate - Jewel E. Ann Page 0,112

to mumble behind that hand. “I was going to do a load of laundry for Dorothy. And I thought I’d wash the blanket that was tossed onto her bed, but I had no idea you were under the blanket. Oh my god … why would she completely cover up a naked, sleeping man and then just go to work without saying anything?”

“Um …” I squint, opening my other eye and rolling onto my back, keeping the pillow over my midsection. “We’re talking about Dorothy … clearly your guess is as good as mine.”

We were zipped into her bed. And then we started doing certain activities that required more freedom to move about the bed … and the floor. Yeah, I’m pretty sure we were on the floor at some point. My mind is a little fuzzy because I don’t think I got more than two hours of sleep. I have no clue when Dorothy even got up or how she’s functioning on so little sleep.

“Thank you for loving my baby girl.” She hugs a wad of dirty clothes to her chest.

I rub my eyes before lacing my fingers behind my head, meeting Kellie’s huge grin and bright eyes. Julie’s mom never thanked me for loving her daughter.

I return the smile. “It’s truly a pleasure. And I …” I cringe, feeling eighteen instead of thirty-eight. Maybe my naked body only covered by a pillow is what has me feeling a bit insecure. “I apologize for not being more responsible with your daughter. But I love her. And I’m going to take care of her and raise this baby with her. I have only the best intentions where Dorothy is concerned.”

“I appreciate that. So much.” She sits on the side of the bed.

Okay … we’re going to chat now, with me naked in Dorothy’s bed. Nope … nothing awkward at all about this. I scoot over an inch or two, keeping a firm hold on the pillow.

“A few years back, before her uncle died and left her all his money…” Kellie lets out a slow breath, looking out the slats of the window blinds “…I went shopping with Dorothy right around the time school was getting ready to start. We each grabbed a cart. I went in one way. She went the other way. We met back up a few minutes later. I had like four things in my cart. Dorothy’s cart was full. Now … things you’ll find out about Dorothy, if you haven’t already: She has backups of everything—shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste … you name it. And not just one extra. I’m talking three or four extra tubes of toothpaste. So before I actually focused on the contents of her cart, I assumed she simply was having a moment. A little anxiety that required the comfort of backups.

“Nope … I was wrong. Here’s the thing, we spend so much of our lives as parents trying to make sure our kids are good humans. Then one day, without you really noticing, it happens. Dorothy’s cart was full, but the stuff was not for her. Upon explanation, she told me there was a donation box in front of a children’s house she passed every day on her way to work. It had been over a week and no one had donated. She’s done some summer workshops with these kids … the abused and neglected kids. And she said they had less than nothing, and nobody was helping them, not at all. Then she said she knew what she was doing wouldn’t really make a difference, but she at least wanted to try. One minute I was worried that she was having an off day, preparing to interrogate her about taking her medications faithfully. The next minute, I’m standing in a store with tears rolling down my face.”

She shrugs. “I’m happy to say that I have raised a good human who’s now adulting better than me.”

Yeah, I need a lifetime with Dorothy Mayhem. And I can’t believe how close I came to letting her slip away from me.

“Anyway, I just want you to know that some days will be sheer madness. I mean … god knows I love that girl, but she is clumsy and loud. Talks through movies, constantly being told to shush. And she’s a hypochondriac. Always dying of something. She won’t eat the last slice of bread, the last bit of peanut butter in a jar, the last cookie in a box. Nope. She’ll just get out a new one. And Copyright 2016 - 2024