Perfect Risk (Mason Creek #1) - C.A. Harms Page 0,76

still can’t stop myself from being gentle with her.

“I’ve had a roast in the oven all afternoon, it should be just about ready.”

“I could have picked something up.” I’d sent my mother and Aunt over here earlier today to bring her lunch and to check on her. I knew she’d be okay but being pinned up in the house day after day was getting to her. She’d be going back to work soon, but I was still terrified to loosen the reins. At least inside, curled up in bed or on the couch I knew she was safe.

I’ve relived the night of her accident every day since it happened and the idea of losing her, it crippled me.

“I can cook dinner Wyatt.” Turning her body to face me she reached up and wrapped her arms around my shoulders. Her cast made it difficult to hold on to me the way I knew she wanted to. “And I can do other things too.” Pressing the front of her body to mine I slid my arms completely around her and took the kiss she was offering.

Backing her up, she bumped against the side of the refrigerator and I gripped her hips lifting her up. Immediately her legs encircled my waist and I began walking toward our bedroom. Kicking the door shut behind me I lowered her to the mattress and carefully covered her body with my own. Careful not to put too much weight on her I moaned when she began to rub me through my jeans.

“I’m not gonna break Wyatt,” she whispered near my ear before biting and sucking on my earlobe. “Stop treating me like glass.”

Quickly we both began removing the items that separated us and when all the was left was my boxers I took a moment to appreciate the gorgeous woman that lay beneath me willing and ready to give herself to me.

I’d never been so desperate for anyone before in my life. Like I needed her to breath, she was my lifeline.

“Please.” She looked up at me through lust filled eyes.

Pushing down my boxers I kicked them off and then positioned myself, slowly sliding inside of her. Sadie’s back arched and I leaned in to cover her nipple, sucking and driving her even more. She began to move against me taking what she needed. She was incredible for so many different reasons but times like these, they were when I was able to see her vulnerable and needy for me.

Without waiting any longer I began to move, slow and purposefully. Her eyes rolling back, her lips parting. Her body already reacting as she began to tighten around me. Incredible, the way we knew what the other was needing without being told. Driving into her, she gripped my shoulder and my name fell from her lips as she ignited, taking my breath away.

Chasing my own release and moved, matching her own thrusts and within seconds I spiraled out of control, my entire body shivering with pleasure.

Together we both breath heavy, me still hovering above her, her eyes closed, her chest moving rapidly while trying to slow her breathing. This woman was the better part of me, she made me feel like there was nothing I couldn’t do or be. I was my best when I was with Sadie, I felt unstoppable.

With dinner finished and the dishes down we lay on the couch watching television. The room was dark, with only the flashing of the television lighting the area. I was tucked into the corner, her body resting between my legs, her back pressed to my chest. I had long ago stopped watching what was playing and instead, I watched her. The reflection of the screen dancing over the lenses of her glasses that she wore at night. Her hair piled on top of her head in a messy bun and no presence of makeup on her face.

She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen.

“Marry me,” the words fell from my lips before I had the chance to second guess myself.

I saw the way her forehead wrinkled as she turned to look up at me. She held my gaze, saying nothing and I was unable to read what it was that was rolling around in her mind.

“Not because we’re having a baby, not because I feel like it’s something we should do, but because I can’t imagine my life without you be my side. Because I’m so in love with you that having you as my wife is Copyright 2016 - 2024