Perfect Risk (Mason Creek #1) - C.A. Harms Page 0,13

moon above gave me what I needed to find my way through the tall trees into the clearing up ahead.

I continued to move across the land, hidden in the taller grass until I got closer to the place on Grady’s property that tends to draw in the younger kids. His were the only hot springs in our town and the perfect place for horny teens to sneak off to when they were hoping to find a little alone time.

I did a sweep of the area as often as I could, running off the trespassers.

The silence of the night, the peacefulness, was something I enjoyed.

I rounded the trees, parked the ATV and climbed off, killing the engine. Walking the rest of the way to the springs, so not to warn anyone that may be out there, I crept along the path.

The springs were quiet, no laughing or talking. I walked around the area a little more before I turned back toward where I’d left the four-wheeler.

Taking the long way around, I looked over Grady’s property and my own before I placed the four-wheeler back into the shed and locked it up. Gus was waiting for me, laying at the backdoor as soon as I stepped inside. He darted passed me, running out to relieve himself before rushing back and jumping at my legs.

“Come on crazy.” I roughed him up and his playful nature came out even more as he stomped his feet and woofed at me.

Hearing my phone ringing in the next room I hurried to grab it, finding that it was the station calling. I answered it before it got to voicemail, a knot already forming in my stomach. It was always the same, rarely did I get a call while I was off duty unless it was related to one specific person.

“Murphy,” I said, taking in a deep breath and bracing myself for what I already knew was coming.

“Yo, man, I hate to bother you on your night off, but we’ve got Will down here and I didn’t want to call your mom.” I ran my hand over my face in frustration and scratched at the stubble along my jaw. “He’s pretty wasted and kinda busted up.”

“Where’d you pick him up?” I wished my younger brother would grow the fuck up.

“Outside of Pony Up,” Sam said with his voice low. I knew calling me wasn’t something he’d wanted to do either, but the alternative was something my mother didn’t need. Losing my father only seven months ago was hard enough on her. I’d deal with Will if it meant keeping the stress off of her.

“I’ll be there in ten.”

Ending the call, I let out a frustrated breath before I dialed my mother’s number. When she answered I tried my best to hide the irritation in my voice. “Hey, pretty lady.”

“Oh, Wyatt,” she laughed off my words. I could almost imagine her swatting her hand out and blushing the way she always does when I call her that.

“I just wanted to let you know that Will is here and passed out on my couch.” I hated lying to her but technically he would be soon. “I didn’t want you to worry. He stopped by, had a few beers and I didn’t want him driving.”

“Oh, well that’s nice. You boys don’t spend enough time together.”

That’s because half the time all I wanted to do was beat him half to death for being such an idiot. I didn’t know what he’s thinking half the time, but what I do know is one of these days his bullshit was going to get him into trouble that I wouldn’t be able to get him out of.

“How about I pick you up early tomorrow morning and we go have breakfast?”

“I have church at nine.”

“Then after.” I won’t make her feel bad for denying me, church and the women there were a great distraction for my mother. After my father passed, she find comfort in them. She’d stepped up volunteering and found every way she could to involve herself in the town and its activities. My father was her best friend, the two of them were rarely seen apart. Losing him was like losing a part of herself and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t worry about her constantly.

“I heard about your run in with the Michaels girl.” Her words aught me a little off guard, I was expecting her to mention it. But then again, she was spending more time with the gossipy Copyright 2016 - 2024