Perfect Night (Mason Creek #4) - Terri E. Laine Page 0,6

together, keeping up with my classes I just…”

“It’s okay. I’m not judging you, Emma. Just gathering facts.”

Though I was afraid to hear the answer, I asked anyway. “Was I wrong?”

“There’s no right or wrong answer here. You did what you thought was best given the circumstances. Besides, we can still do an autopsy if need be.”

I stepped back in surprise. “Really. Even after—” I waved it away unable to complete my sentence.

“Even after,” he said, kindly. “Can I ask, what the argument was about?”

“You don’t think Evan had anything to do with it?”

He shook his head. “I don’t think anything. Just gathering information to help me determine his state of mind.”

I closed my eyes, hating that our last words weren’t good ones.

“Emma, no matter what happened, your father knew you loved him.”

I covered my mouth as I began to cry again. “I’m sorry. It’s just—”

“Don’t be.” He pulled tissues from his pocket. “I meant to give you these when I came out.”

Grateful, I took them and dabbed at my eyes. “I’ll never get to take my words back.”

“We all say dumb things at times. I’m certain he knew that.”

“Evan was being a dick, but so was Dad. I was caught in the middle. I told them if they didn’t stop, I would leave them both.”

He laughed, surprising me. “Your dad was always protective of you.”

My laugh was without humor. “He was. He scared every boy away.”

“That’s not true. He put the fear of God in them, so they didn’t treat you badly.”

In the mist of sorrow, I could hold onto that. “He did, and I loved him for it. But how did you know?”

“Maybe one day, I’ll tell you.” He grinned, then the smile was gone. “Is there any reason your father would have left without telling you?”

I’d thought about that a lot. “The only thing I could think of was that Evan was there. Maybe he assumed I wouldn’t be alone, but that doesn’t make sense. He’d made Evan sleep in the back room downstairs since we weren’t married yet. He told him no daughter of his would be sleeping in sin. That was part of their dislike for each other. Evan thought Dad’s rules were archaic. His word.”

Aiden laughed again and it wasn’t at me. “Evan isn’t from around here, is he?”

“Chicago,” I said and laughed because Dad hated city folk. Not that he wouldn’t have given the same rules to any guy in town.

“He already had two strikes against him.”

“Three actually. He’s rich too.”

Aiden chuckled and tipped his beer back. “Where was Evan that night?”

I blinked. “I thought you said you didn’t think he did anything?”

“I said I was gathering the facts. It’s important in any investigation to get even the smallest details and not assume anything.”

“I don’t know. He tried to sneak into my room, and I sent him away. Then, I fell asleep.”

“I’m going to need the names of anyone who has keys to the bar.”

“I can get you that.”

He nodded. “You should probably get back home before they send out a search party. Lord knows the rumors around town if they found you here. I wouldn’t want your fiancé to get the wrong idea.”

I didn’t know if it was appreciation for his help or believing in me that tempted me to give him a thank you kiss, but I stopped myself. My mood would have steered my kiss to his lips instead of his cheek.

Chapter 4


Emma Hawkins was going to be the death of me. She was still as gorgeous as the Montana sky. Her hair was the color of the morning sun and eyes that sparkled like stars were just as I remembered. Evan, her fiancé, was a lucky son of gun. As much as I’d wanted to win her heart, she needed something different from me.

The next day, I took a chance and went to the police station. I wanted to see the report the sheriff filed on Emma’s dad. I walked in and was greeted by Bess. I was surprised to see her as well.

“Morning, Aiden. I thought you start tomorrow.”

“I do. Do you ever get a day off?” I joked.

“Hardly,” she said with amusement.

“Is Sheriff Moon in?”

“He is.”

Damn. That meant I wouldn’t be able to see the file without him knowing. “Is he back in his office?”

“He is.”

“I’ll go check in on him,” I said and headed back.

I knocked on the open door and he looked up. “Aiden. Didn’t know you were coming in today.”

“Didn’t plan on it, but here Copyright 2016 - 2024