The Perfect Neighbor (Jessie Hunt #9) - Blake Pierce Page 0,48

buy the sea foam green one. Despite his initial protestations, he eventually agreed. She knew he secretly liked how he looked.

“Thanks,” he said, blushing slightly.

Jessie had a brief flash of taking the shirt off him again later tonight but pushed it away. The way this case was going, the chances that they’d have any opportunity for intimacy this evening were somewhere between slim and none.

Suddenly she felt a wave of shame at having thought about her own pleasure when Garland had been dead less than twenty-four hours. She knew the old guy wouldn’t take offense. In fact, he’d probably be happy that she was allowing herself a few moments unconsumed by grief. But knowing it and believing it were two different things.

“I’m going to call Dolan,” she said out of the blue.

Ryan, who was still lingering in their romantic moment, looked confused but nodded. Jessie pretended not to notice and dialed the FBI agent’s number. When he picked up, she dived right in.

“Hey Jack,” she said. “How’s it going? I need an update on Kyle.”

“Nice to hear from you, Jessie,” he replied laconically. “I’m well. Thanks for asking so sincerely. How are you?”

“I’ve been better.”

“Yes,” he said, dropping the sardonic tone. “I heard about Garland. I’m really sorry.”

“Thanks, Jack. I appreciate that. To be honest, I’m working a case, the one he was handling when he was killed, and staying focused on it has been good for me. It’s been a helpful distraction; keeps me from losing myself, you know?”

“I do. That’s what alcohol did for me until a few months ago when I decided to focus on big waves exclusively, if you’ll recall.”

Jessie did. When she’d first met Jack Dolan while working on an inter-jurisdictional case, he was almost as focused on getting sauced as solving the murder they were investigating. But soon afterward he’d quit drinking entirely. Now he used surfing, always a hobby, as his method of escaping the madness. She could picture him on the other end of the line as they spoke, his silvery hair wet, his skin salty and his face tanned and crinkly from hours in the sun.

“Unfortunately, Jack, I don’t balance very well on a surfboard, so I’ll have to use work as my mental vacation.”

“I just want you to take a moment to process that. You’re saying investigating murders is your way to de-stress and navigate grief. Maybe you should let me give you a lesson. I promise we’ll start with baby waves.”

“A discussion for another time,” she told him. “Right now, I need you to tell me where my ex-husband was this afternoon.”

“Why? Is everything okay?”

“Actually, Ryan was attacked this afternoon here in Manhattan Beach. At first we thought it was related to the case we’re working, but now I’m not so sure.”

“Hold on a second,” he said, obviously reading something. “I just got the field notes from our day surveillance team. They handed off to the night guys about a half hour ago. It looks like Voss spent the whole day in the Claremont area. He was mostly home in the morning. The he ran some errands in the afternoon, spent several hours reviewing finance textbooks at the college library in the afternoon. He’s home having sushi right now.”

“How do you know that?” Jessie asked, surprised.

“He told my guys. Despite my repeated requests that they not engage directly with him, they couldn’t help themselves. He tends to taunt them with his waves and smiles when he’s driving around. Anyway, there was a little chat outside the library, during which he mentioned his dinner plans.”

Jessie felt a surge of frustration rise up in her throat and tried to swallow it down before responding.

“I don’t know what to do with the fact that your agents sound like they’re getting uncomfortably chummy with the man who tried to kill me. But I’ll set that aside for now. Where exactly was Kyle from about two p.m. to four p.m.?”

She heard Dolan rustling through his papers. While she waited, she chomped down aggressively on another bite of her wrap.

“It looks like he was at the library that whole time, Jessie,” he said apologetically. “My guys say he never left their sight except for occasional short bathroom breaks.”

Jessie turned that over in her head, trying to make sense of it. Of course, even if Kyle had an airtight alibi, that didn’t mean he hadn’t somehow gotten a cartel goon to do his dirty work for him. If that was the case, all this surveillance was Copyright 2016 - 2024