The Perfect Fix (Perfect Kisses #5) - Miley Maine Page 0,76

of us and because he thought that we needed a fresh start as well. I wasn’t sure, but now I agree. While there are a lot of happy memories at our old home, there are some sad ones as well. He without his mother and me with losing the home next door, all the drama with Ronnie, the arrest and CPS as well… I have to admit that it is nice to put all of that behind us and to start married life without any of our past baggage weighing us down. Plus, the extra space and the giant yard is incredible.

“I’m glad you aren’t nervous.” Mom nods and smiles. “I was shaking when I got hitched.”

“You were? I can’t imagine you ever being nervous, Mom.”

“Oh, well I was. But then again, I didn’t look as beautiful as you do. That dress is stunning. I know that it looked great in the wedding store, but it looks even better now.”

As her hands clap to her mouth, I can sense the emotion getting to her which is a real nightmare because then it will get to me too and I really don’t want to fall apart before the ceremony even happens. I need to at least keep my tears inside until then.

“Mom, stop. Don’t cry.” I pull her in for a hug. “Don’t get all teary now. You need to be strong for me. I need you to hold it together on my behalf.”

“I’m sorry,” she sniffs back. “I’m just so grateful to you for letting me be here on your special day. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of all your special events… it means so much.”

I was just about to tell her that this day is more than special, that there is more happening right now than just the wedding, but I decide against it at the last moment. She’s too much of a mess as it is, and I don’t want to make it worse for her. I don’t want to set her off. She can find out with everyone else and cry on my father’s shoulder if she needs to.

“We need to get going,” I tell her seriously. “I’m pretty sure that the whole wedding is on pause, just waiting for the bride to arrive. I need to go before I wreck my make up.”

“Oh yes.” She straightens herself up instantly. “And I need to go and help your father with Ami. Although I’m sure that he’s doing just fine on his own. We haven’t heard any screaming anyway. And I want to see if Travis is doing his best man duties just fine.”

“Travis will be fine,” I chuckle. “He’s taking his role very seriously, as I’m sure you can imagine. He has been practicing this for six long months.”

“He has known for all that time?” Mom sounds surprised.

“Oh yes. Marc asked him pretty much immediately after he asked me to marry him.”

God, that was such a cute Christmas Day. Travis was absolutely over the moon to find out about the wedding and about the best man duties as well. I don’t think that I have ever seen him so excited in his life which just confirmed that marrying Marc was right… not that I needed that confirmation again. I sure as hell know that he is definitely the man for me now.

“Right, come on then.” Mom extends her arm to me and I link mine through hers. “Let’s go. Get you married to that amazing man of yours.”

The nerves start to get to me as we head down the stairs and out to the back yard. I feel my heart flip flopping with anxiety and excitement as we head outside, but all of that simply melts away the moment I see Marc waiting for me in the most gorgeous looking suit I have ever seen on him. It’s navy blue and tailored to his muscular physique perfectly.

“Wow,” I whisper to myself as I start to stroll towards him in time with the music, thrilled to get my hands on his body. “Wow, I am so lucky.”

An intense sensation of love washes over me as I witness Travis and Marc both beaming with excitement. I dart my eyes to the left just at the moment that I sense my father with Ami watching me as well. My daughter makes babbling noises and lifts her hand to me as I pass which only brings the emotion up inside of me all over again. I’m really Copyright 2016 - 2024