The Perfect Fix (Perfect Kisses #5) - Miley Maine Page 0,53

into my hands and I feel distress capture me. The fact that none of this needed to happen is the worst thing. Pride really has been the fall of Aisha and it’s stupid. So fucking dumb it crushes me. I could have just sorted it for her in an instant. I have earned all of my cash by working hard, but I certainly haven’t spent it all. This is the sort of thing that I want to spend my money on… helping someone else. Helping Aisha.

“Your dad would have probably been in the same,” I try to remind myself. “He wanted to do everything on his own as well. He didn’t like to accept help…”

Well, he didn’t until he met my stepmother. Then little by little he let her in. The love that she gave him allowed him to open up and to take her help. It saddens me that Aisha doesn’t seem to feel the same way about me, because I’m definitely in that place over here.

“Stop fucking wallowing.” I bang my fists down on my kitchen counter until my hands actually begin to hurt. “Don’t wallow, there is no time. You need to find a way to sort this.”

But I don’t know what to do. I don’t know where to start. I don’t know where I can even begin. Could I call the police station and try and bail Aisha out? I don’t know. I have no idea how any of this legal shit works. I haven’t ever been in this position before.

“What is that?” All of a sudden, I catch a glimpse of something half poking out from under my couch. I bend down and grab it, immediately noting that it’s Aisha’s cell phone. She must have dropped it when the cops came in and arrested her in shock. “Could this help?”

It’s easy to unlock her phone. It’s Travis’s birthday. I’m sure she won’t mind me prying into her private business if it’s to sort this out. It desperately needs doing, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen.

Call her Mom…? Hmm. This is risky. I know from what she has told me that she doesn’t exactly have the best relationship in the world with her parents, but this is a desperate situation, isn’t it? Am I being an idealist for thinking that they might want to help and that this might bring them back together? Maybe so, but since my head is all over the place, I go with the instinct.

As the phone rings, I feel sick to my stomach. I’m scared that I might actually throw up, and it doesn’t help that they are taking their sweet ass time to pick up the phone…

“Hello?” God, the man sounds cold. Nothing like Aisha at all.

“Er, hello.” Shit, I feel nervous now. I should have planned out what I was going to say in advance. “My name is Marc. I’m friends with Aisha…”

“I don’t think this is a conversation that I need to have with you.” He interrupts me rapidly. “If I am going to talk to anyone about it, I would prefer my daughter to call us herself. If she has anything to say, then I don’t want to hear it through a third party.”

If he’s being cold with me, then I’m prepared to give him a sharp shock back. “She can’t contact you at the moment because she is currently in jail.” I expect him to say something here, or to even gasp in shock, but I get nothing. Just a silence that hurts my ear drums. “She has been locked up because she got herself in a financial hole. I think she might have been in one for years, ever since she left home.” I’m not directly blaming him, but I hope he gets the hint that he isn’t totally innocent here. “She is in a mess.”

“Well, that isn’t something that I can help with,” he finally replies icily. “That sounds like a mess that she has gotten herself in to, so she needs to get herself out of as well. Are you her current boyfriend? Perhaps then this is your problem.”

I suck in a shocked breath. He hasn’t even asked about Travis. It’s like he doesn’t even care. This literally kills me deep inside me. I adore that boy so much, I would do anything to save him, yet someone who is actually related to him doesn’t give a shit. It seems crazy. Especially to me because I Copyright 2016 - 2024