The Perfect Fix (Perfect Kisses #5) - Miley Maine Page 0,34

story.” He has been ice cold with me ever since I first stepped into his office for this meeting. I planned out everything I was going to say, but it’s all gone out the window now. “I have heard it a million times before and it means nothing. I am trying to run a business here; I’m not creating a charity.”

God, of all the people I have tried to persuade to let me stay in their homes, this is the worst. He really doesn’t want to hear anything I have to say. He isn’t interested in listening about my situation at all.

“Please, I have had such a hard time...” I can feel myself about to cry. I really don’t want any tears to fall because I’m pretty sure that those will only make him madder at me than he already is. But I can’t stop them coming. “I will do anything. Please just give me another chance. I will show you that I can be trusted.”

“I don’t know if you can see it or not, but I have already given you a chance. Multiple chances actually. As you can see from the list that I sent you, there have been many months where you haven’t paid, and I have let you off. I can’t do it anymore. I have a business to run, I need to make money, I can’t let people like you live for free.”

I feel like my heart is about to sink into my shoes. Everything he says makes him angrier and angrier. Every time I try to defend what has happened; he doesn’t want to know. But I need to keep fighting. I can’t stop. I have too much at stake to lose.

“I have a son,” I start in an attempt to calm him down. “I have a child who will be homeless if you kick us out. I don’t know where else to go, I don’t have any other options, I’m completely stuck.” Shit, my face is soaking. I must look like a real idiot. “You can’t put me and my son out on the streets. You have to help us, please. Please help us.”

But he hasn’t softened at all, I can see in his face that he isn’t interested in anything I have to say. My words aren’t getting through to him at all. I don’t know what else I can do. I can’t put Travis through this sort of thing again. I honestly don’t know that even if I handed him all the rent for the next year plus the back payment, he would keep me now. He seems so utterly fuming. Like he wants to tear my head off. I should be scared really, but I’m too desperate for the fear to set in.

“If I can’t stay in your house, then do you know anywhere else I can go? I’ve just sorted out the school payments, my son is settled, this is huge for him because it hasn’t ever happened before...”

“I can’t recommend you to any other landlords because they will tear me apart when they realize that you just don’t pay rent.” God, he’s so cold and heartless. “And the issues with schooling are yours, and yours alone. I don’t know what you expect me to do about that. If you had paid your rent then you wouldn’t be in that situation, would you?” He cocks a knowing eyebrow at me. “I am not here to fix your problems. I’m here to be your landlord. Or at least I was, not anymore. I can’t do this with you now. I need you to leave my office and start packing. You need to leave the house as quickly as possible.”

Oh God, so now I don’t only have to move, I have to do it soon. Like right now. Coming to this meeting has only made things worse, not better. I hoped that I would come out from it with a positive future, but now it’s even worse. Now I’m even more stuck than I was before.

“I’m sorry,” I say quietly. “I never meant to cause offense, I never meant to cause you any problems. I didn’t mean to fall behind on my rent.” I hang my head low. “I will go now, and I will get packed up and out of your hair.”

The landlord doesn’t say anything as I exit the room. I guess I haven’t pulled at any one of his heart strings. I stuff my hands in to my pockets Copyright 2016 - 2024