The Perfect Disguise (Jessie Hunt #10) - Blake Pierce Page 0,27

call me Willem,” he said before indicating they should proceed.

They started with the basics, working their way through the previous night and this morning. Yes, he was worried when Cory texted she’d be leaving soon but didn’t show up. No, he didn’t panic. Last-minute shot setups were common. He just assumed that was the case. Oftentimes shoots run late and it’s hard to get away from set to call loved ones. Sometimes folks just forget in the heat of the moment.

“I stayed up until about one a.m. but kept drifting off,” he said. “I finally went to bed. It was only when I woke up this morning and found that she wasn’t here and I had no texts that I got truly concerned.”

“You called it in,” Trembley noted.

“Yes, but I guess they found her soon after that because an officer showed up with the news less than an hour after I made the call.”

He proceeded to give his alibi for the evening, saying he was home all night, binging a William Holden film marathon. He took no offense when they asked how they could confirm that.

“We have a comprehensive security system, with multiple cameras,” he told them. “I set it up myself. Cory used to have several overenthusiastic fans; no one dangerous, just extremely exuberant. Even though that tailed off in recent years, I kept the system current. I’ll give you the login info and you can search it if that helps.”

“That would be great,” Trembley said. “You mentioned that she had some intense fans but no true stalkers. Was there anyone else who might have wished her harm, any co-workers or other industry professionals who resented her?”

“Oh no,” Willem insisted. “Everyone loved her. Well, maybe not everyone, but most people. She was definitely a perfectionist and that might have rubbed a few people the wrong way. But in this business, that’s par for the course. Everyone I knew considered her to be as lovely as I did.”

They continued the questioning a little longer but it was clear that Willem was either medicated, exhausted, or, more likely, both. His answers became less focused over time and he repeatedly lost his train of thought.

Jessie wanted to ask him about the possible marital strife that Miller Boatwright had hinted at. But she got the sense that, at least right now, it would be a waste of time.

“Why don’t we let you get some rest?” she finally said. “Maybe we can come back another time if we have any follow-up questions.”

“That would be wonderful,” Willem said, seeming to forget this was a police interview, not a cocktail party. He started to get up but Trembley waved him off.

“You say here and rest, Willem,” he said courteously. “We’ll see our way out.”

Willem nodded and settled back into the rocking chair as they headed out. Jessie glanced over her shoulder and saw that his eyes were closed. She couldn’t be sure but she thought he might already be asleep.

“What do you think?” Trembley asked as they headed back to the car.

Jessie sighed heavily before replying.

“First, we need to check the security camera footage. But even if he alibis out, he’s definitely hiding something. The question is whether he’s protecting his wife’s memory or covering up a darker secret.”

“Where to next?” Trembley asked as they got in the car.

“Let’s go to back to the film set. They must be ready for us by now.”

“Excellent,” Trembley said enthusiastically. “That’s what I call a real den of secrets.”


Hannah walked into the boutique near the corner of South Grand Avenue and West 8th street in downtown L.A., acting as if she didn’t have a care in the world. She did her best to project the image of just another teenage girl, window shopping on her summer vacation.

She’d specifically chosen this store because it was a small operation, without the electronic theft sensors one might find near the exit of a larger chain store. If she was going to do this experiment, she needed to start with baby steps. Besides, if she got caught, she was still a minor. She wouldn’t turn eighteen until next spring.

She walked around for ten minutes, trying on a variety of earrings at different stations. The lone staff member, behind the register, glanced up occasionally but seemed generally disinterested in her. Hannah slid two pairs of earrings into her pocket over the course of her wanderings before eventually walking up to the register with two other pairs she intended to buy legitimately.

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