The Perfect Daughter - Joseph Souza Page 0,135

promised to make the kid a star and then used that as an excuse to gain access to his home.”

“It’s possible. I read in the kid’s file that his mother hoped to be a reality star.”

“All this is secondary to finding my kids. Where the hell are they?”

“I’m really sorry, Isla. I honestly thought we might find them here.”

“It’s not your fault.”

“Felicia must have left the house. I wonder where she went?”

“I don’t care about her. I only want to find Katie and Raisin right now.”

She started to tear up, and to her surprise, he came over and held her. She didn’t resist. It felt good for once to be embraced. She needed someone to comfort her and tell her that everything would be all right. Her kids were in trouble, and there was nothing she could do to help them. What if Raisin experienced an episode? Would Katie be able to help him? Would he be able to help himself, assuming Scout was still by his side? Would whoever had kidnapped her children try to kill them? She didn’t know how she’d go on living if something bad happened to Katie and Raisin.


THE DOOR OPENS, AND I PREPARE FOR THE WORST. HAS GIL RETURNED to finish me off? I hear footsteps approaching.

The person removes the blindfold. It takes a second for my eyes to adjust. To my shock, I see that it’s Raisin. I’m so happy to see him that I can barely contain myself. I look over, and to my surprise, I see Willow sitting many feet away from me, her eyes and mouth covered. I’m relieved it wasn’t she who’d hit me with that bat. But where’s Scout? What will happen to Raisin if his glucose goes haywire? He could die before help arrives. I mumble something, but the duct tape over my mouth prevents me from speaking coherently. My nose is clotted with mucous and nasty phlegm, and it’s all I can do to get air into my lungs. Raisin’s hand reaches down and gently peels the tape away from my lips. I open my mouth and gulp in air. Then he hugs me.

“Oh my God! Raisin! What are you doing here?”

“I snuck into the back of Dad’s truck when you went upstairs.”

“But why?”

“Because I knew you were up to something, Katie, and I didn’t want to lose you again.”

Tears of gratitude form in my eyes.

“I stayed in the back and waited for you to come out of that cabin. Finally, I saw someone escort you into the backseat of that truck that was parked there when we first arrived. When they went back inside the cabin, I snuck into the truck bed.”

“Did you recognize who it was?”

“No, it was too dark.”

“Why didn’t you take Scout into the truck with you?”

“I couldn’t risk him alerting the driver if something happened to me. Besides, I couldn’t have gotten him up into that bed. He’s heavy, and it was too high off the ground. So I told him to stay down.”

“I’m scared, Raisin, but I’m so glad you followed me here.”

“We need to get you and your friend out of this place,” he says, pointing to Willow. “She’s in pretty bad shape.”

“Willow is unconscious. She really needs medical attention.”

“What should we do?”

“Whoever did this handcuffed us to these pipes,” I say, pulling my wrist in futility. “The only way out of here is to cut us free or find the key.”

“Then what can I do? Tell me, Katie.”

“I can’t risk putting you in harm’s way, Raisin.”

“I know, but there must be some way I can help you.”

“There is. I just don’t know how right now.”

“I can’t stay here, or the bad person might do the same thing to me. Then I’ll be no good to either of you.” Raisin appears to consider his options. “I’ll go upstairs and try to find a phone, and then I’ll call Mom. She’ll know what to do.”

“But we don’t even know where we are.”

“I’m smart. I’ll figure something out.” He kisses my cheek and turns to leave.


He turns to face me.

“You have to put the tape back over my mouth. And pull the blindfold down over my eyes, or else they’ll know you were here.”

“Right.” He picks up the strip of duct tape and presses it against my mouth. Then he pulls the blindfold down until my eyes are covered.

“I love you, Katie,” he says before scampering out of the room.

* * *

We lay together on the beach. I held Willow in Copyright 2016 - 2024