The Perfect Daughter - Joseph Souza Page 0,129

on upstairs, in one of the bedrooms. Was it Willow’s room? He jumped out of the cruiser, resting his hand on his gun. The passenger door opened and slammed shut, reminding him that Isla had come along with him. His vision turned myopic; his mission, single-minded. Was it too late to order Isla back in the car? She wouldn’t listen, anyway, and so he decided not to say anything. He made his way to the Briggses’ front door, determined to get answers. After ringing the doorbell, he waited for someone to answer.

Something gnawed at him. Was he second-guessing himself? The small police department in Shepherd’s Bay didn’t have enough officers for backup, and time was of the essence. What if Willow was armed? Or had seen them coming and had scrambled out the back?

The door started to open. Karl stepped back with hand on gun. When the door opened a few more inches, he was surprised to see Felicia standing there in a white robe and shower cap. Dark bags sagged under her eyes. He could only assume that she’d been crying.

“Where’s your daughter, Mrs. Briggs?” Karl asked.

“What is this? Are you purposely trying to upset me, Officer?”

“Is Willow inside?”

“Do you actually think I’d be in this sorry condition if my daughter was home?”

“Can you answer the question, please?”

“You’re a disgrace and should be ashamed of yourself. You probably don’t even have kids, which means you have no idea what it’s like to have a child go missing.” She turned to Isla. “Tell him what it’s like.”

“I’m sorry, Felicia. Officer Bjornson believes that Willow is alive and has made contact with Katie.”

“Willow’s alive? Is it true? Where? How?”

“We don’t know yet. That’s why we came here. To ask you if you knew anything about it,” Isla said.

“I don’t know anything about that. I just want my daughter back home with us.” Felicia waved them inside the house.

“Where’s your husband?” Karl asked as he and Isla entered the house.

“I have no idea.” Felicia walked back toward the kitchen. “He went out a while ago.”

“And you have no idea where he went?” Karl asked. He and Isla trailed behind Felicia.

“No.” Felicia turned toward them once she reached the island, then sat down. “Willow’s disappearance has put a strain on our marriage.”

Karl glanced around nervously, hand still on his revolver.

“Not that it’s any of your damn business, but he’s been unfaithful to me. Several times, in fact.”

“May I look around?”

She turned and laughed bitterly. “Knock yourself out, but I’m telling you she’s not here.”

After taking out his gun, he went from room to room, searching for Willow. A bad feeling came over him when he had searched half the rooms and found them empty. Had he made a mistake by coming here? His job was now on the line, and he felt like he was failing badly. He continued to check the rooms, the pit in his stomach growing. A door on the first floor led down to the basement. He flicked on the lights and went downstairs, but quickly ran back up after seeing nothing.

“Happy now?” Felicia called from the kitchen.

He stood uneasily, feeling like a fool, as he stared down the dark stairs. Had he done a thorough enough search? He returned to the kitchen.

“You’ll certainly be sorry when I report your ugly behavior to your superiors,” Felicia snapped. “I’m amazed that you even have the moxie to barge into my home like this and harass a grieving mother, especially when your number one priority should be finding Willow.”

“I’m very sorry to bother you.” He turned and nodded to Isla, and together they walked toward the front door.

Isla stopped in her tracks and turned around. “Honestly, Felicia, we didn’t mean to trouble you,” Isla called. “It’s just that Katie left the house with a gun, and we think she went to help Willow, wherever Willow might be.”

Felicia left the kitchen and headed toward them. “So am I supposed to jump up and down and get all worked up now that your daughter is missing?”

Karl watched Isla turn and walk out the door.

“Go to hell, the both of you!” Felicia shouted as Karl made his way outside. “I can’t believe you two have nothing better to do than barge in on a depressed mother.”

The door slammed shut. Karl stopped for a second and glanced at Isla. Staring at her face, he couldn’t quite read her expression. For the first time in a long while, he was at a loss for words and Copyright 2016 - 2024