A Perfect Cornish Escape by Phillipa Ashley Page 0,27

to face up to the finality of it until a couple of years ago but now I want it all over. Things weren’t perfect between Nate and me, I can recognise that.’

‘No …’ Tiff murmured before taking refuge in her tea. She didn’t contradict Marina so Marina assumed she was being tactful. ‘I’m here if you want to talk – or scream or cry.’

Marina smiled. ‘I think I’ve done enough of that over the years. I want to have – that horrible word – “closure” and move on.’ Unexpectedly, Lachlan slipped into her thoughts again; his silhouette staring out over the sea … Why, when she’d known other local men for years, had she been so struck by one who’d only been in the village for a few weeks? ‘This tea is lovely, by the way,’ she said brightly.

‘You think so? It was a free sample from one of the companies I visited near Truro. They actually grow it here – can you believe it? They gave me a taster pack and I have to admit, it’s delicious. There are some perks to the job. Hmm, maybe I can wangle some more for the auction.’

‘Great,’ Marina replied. She and Tiff continued to chat about her ‘duties’ at the fundraiser, but, however much she tried to concentrate on the tombola and bric-a-brac stalls, she couldn’t help wondering if Lachlan would actually put in an appearance.

Marina didn’t have to wonder when she might see Lachlan again for long. She finished work early on the Wednesday and had been to post some documents back to her solicitor when she saw him with Aaron and Evie Carman outside the newsagents on the harbourside.

Evie beckoned her over and Marina needed no extra encouragement. It was a fine afternoon, with a gentle breeze blowing. Both the guys were in shorts and T-shirts, and Marina couldn’t help discreetly admiring Lachlan’s physique.

‘Afternoon, Evie,’ Marina said cheerfully, adding a friendly, ‘Hello,’ for the boys.

Evie kissed her cheek. ‘Afternoon, sweetheart.’ She turned to Lachlan. ‘I expect you two know each other?’

‘We’ve met a couple of times.’ Lachlan shared a look with Marina as if he wanted their encounter in the cove and station kept between them. Evie was lovely and a stalwart of the village but perhaps a full-on introduction to the centre of village life wasn’t what he needed when he was new and obviously liked to keep himself to himself. Marina felt a bit sorry for him.

Evie rolled her eyes. ‘I should hope so when you two live virtually next door. Be getting to know one another a lot more from now on too.’

‘Mum!’ Spotting Aaron cringing behind his mum’s back, Marina smiled broadly. Evie was known for her good-natured matchmaking.

‘I’m sure we will,’ she said.

‘Now that Lachlan’s joined Aaron in his security business, they’ll make a great pair. He needs the help because he’ll be busy now that there’s a little Aaron on the way.’ Tiny Evie puffed with pride. ‘Have you heard that Ellie’s expecting?’

‘No … no, wow … congratulations to you both!’ she said to Aaron. The news that Aaron’s partner, Ellie Latham, was pregnant came as a surprise.

‘It’s early days. She’s only twelve weeks,’ Aaron said. ‘So, we haven’t told many people, have we, Mum?’

Evie patted her son’s arm. ‘She’ll be fine.’

‘I won’t share the news, if you don’t want me to,’ Marina said, delighted for Ellie and Aaron, who seemed madly in love. Yet there was a corner of her heart that was thinking ‘what if …’ She definitely wanted children of her own one day.

‘It’s OK. Everyone will know, sooner or later.’ Aaron shook his head and put his arm around his mum. ‘And it is wonderful news.’

Marina could see him swell with pride himself, and he was a huge man to start with. Lachlan stood quietly by, a half smile on his face.

‘You’ll come to the fundraiser, Lachlan?’ Evie said brightly. ‘Everyone will be there.’

Lachlan’s lips parted. Marina could tell he wasn’t sure and wondered if it might be a step too far to expect Lachlan to join a big community event so soon.

Aaron stepped in to rescue him. ‘It might not be Lachlan’s kind of thing, Mum. Give him a break, he’s only been here a couple of weeks.’

‘Long enough,’ Evie said. ‘It’ll help you settle in. I’ll introduce you to everyone. They’ll all be at the fundraiser.’

‘Mum,’ Aaron pleaded.

‘It’s fine, Aaron,’ Lachlan said. ‘Thanks for the invitation, Mrs Carman. I’ll try to drop by if I possibly can,’ he

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