Penned In - Lynn Cahoon Page 0,4

more redeeming characteristics.

“Over here we have one of Butch Cassidy’s boys. Henry ‘Bob’ Meeks wasn’t a long term resident but he tried to make his stay even shorter by escaping. He was shot in the leg, then doctors had to amputate the wounded limb. Later, he tried another method of escape and jumped off the top of a cell house. Finally, he was sent to the asylum.” Bridget told the next story.

The tour went on like that with each guard giving the story of a different famous resident. Bridget presented the final story. “There were about 250 women incarcerated here over the years. Lyda Southard was convicted of killing her fourth husband with arsenic. Investigators pulled together evidence to support the premise that the other three husbands, a brother in law, and a son were all killed by the same method.”

“She sounds like a peach of a girl,” Tad called out. “Just don’t eat her apple pie, it’s killer.”

There were a few laughs but more groans to Tad’s joke. He glanced around at the group and muttered, “Tough crowd.”

“I think it’s sad when women feel they have no other way out besides murder.” Hope said.

“Honey, she killed at least five people, including her own child. I think she needed better coping mechanisms,” Nancy said.

Hope nodded, then glanced at the photo again. “You’re probably right, but it’s still sad.”

They made their way to the gun collection where the guys were huddled over the display talking. Hope, Angie, Felicia and Nancy grabbed a table in the corner to sit. “I never got the fascination with guns,” Nancy admitted. “My ex-husband was a hunter and he had all kinds of weapons. Most that weren’t good for hunting at all.”

“Well, if the zombie apocalypse happens while we’re here, we’ll be safe.” Hope touched the stone walls. “Can you believe the prisoners built this building? Now they just make license plates.”

“I think that’s not quite true. I do some prison mission work, and a lot of the woman who are incarcerated are working on their degrees, so they have job skills when they get out. They need something to count on besides the family or man who led them down the wrong path.” Nancy fixed her pony tail.

“When do you have time to volunteer?” Angie studied her chef. “Last I heard, you were raising kids and working two jobs.”

“I only do it one Sunday a month after church. It helps me remember how lucky I am to have what I have. Even if it is crazy at times.” Nancy grinned. “I’m sure the rest of you volunteer too.”

Hope nodded. “I’m on the college sorority that works with the homeless in town. Of course, I’m going to have to quit when fall semester starts since I’m not a student anymore. Maybe I should check out your program?”

“Of course, but maybe you could find something where there’s more young people involved.” Nancy glanced over at the men talking about the gun collection. “We’re a bunch of women who aren’t trying to build our lives. You need to be around people your age. You already hang with us in the kitchen way too much.”

“I like you guys.” Hope countered. “Besides, I do a lot of things with friends my age. I’m just going to miss the structure of college. I got my schedule at the beginning of the semester. I took the classes and as long as I passed, I moved on. Now, no one is telling me what I need to do. Not even my folks. Although my little sister made it clear it’s time for me to leave home so she can have my room.”

Angie laughed. “Out of the mouths of babes. Do you make enough to pay for an apartment? Rents are pretty high right now.”

“I have a friend I can move in with. She’s been bugging me about sharing an apartment for years. She’s a checker over at Winco in Meridian.” Hope pointed to the guards who were standing in the corner talking. “Does it look like they’re fighting about something? Do you think something went wrong with the tour?”

Angie glance over to the doorway where two of the men were definitely in a heated argument. She couldn’t tell what they were saying, but the tone of the voices told her neither party was happy. She glanced at Felicia. “Do you think something’s wrong?”

Felicia glanced around the room, then leaned into the table to get everyone’s attention. “It’s Halloween season. They probably hate staying Copyright 2016 - 2024