Penned In - Lynn Cahoon Page 0,22

will be here soon and take all this wondering off our plate. Unless you plan on having the case solved before they even get into the building.”

“Would be nice, but I don’t have a clue who killed Pat. And if we count Lyda as a credible source, she said he. Not she.” Angie rubbed her eyes. “I wish I had my laptop. I could look up all the players and see if something just felt off.”

“Investigations via Google, I like it. Although we’re kind of stuck with the old-fashioned method here. Maybe that’s why Lyda’s ghost came to visit. She knew we were in the dark, so to speak.” Felicia grinned. “We’re going to have to call you the ghost whisperer.”

“Please don’t. That was spooky. You didn’t see the change on Nancy’s face.” Angie shivered at the memory. She was quiet for a minute. “Okay, so who are our main suspects? Thaddeus, Tad, and Marty?”

“I’m not certain Glen’s off the list.” Felicia added. “The other two guys, Nick and Jamie, have been with their new wives this entire time. Sara’s trying to get Nick to give up the ghost hunting life, and Liz, she’s as deep into it as Jamie. I think all of them are off the list.”

“Marriage is hard enough without going it trying to change someone to who you want them to be. What chance do you think they have?”

“It depends on how much he loves her.” Glen sat down at the table with them. “Sorry, you two are the only ones awake and talking. Both Marty and Bridget finally went down a few minutes ago.”

Felicia and Angie exchanged glances. “No problem. We find talking helps pass the time. You spent time with the newlyweds, what do you think?”

“I agree. Nick and Sara won’t make it. But the other two just might. You have to have something in common. That’s why Pat and Rachel blew up. He liked spending his time at the bar when he was off. Rachel wanted a little house and picket fence. Marty gave her that even though they are still just dating.” Glen rolled his shoulders. “The tour nights are long. I’ve had a lot of time to talk with both of them.”

“Would Marty have killed Pat?” Angie decided to keep the guy talking.

“You’re kidding, right? Marty doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. Sure, he’d defend himself, but Pat wouldn’t have charged him. He would have gone and messed with Rachel’s head if he’d really wanted her back. It was all just posturing for him. He didn’t want her but he wasn’t sure he wanted her to be happy with another guy.”

“You seem to know a lot about all the players here.”

He grinned as he finished his coffee. “I’m finishing up my degree in psychology. I’m a people watcher. I’m writing a book on how weird we all are and ways to manage each type. You two are problem solvers. You protect your group by getting everyone together and in a safe place, then you stand watch. I would have thought your men would be the ones out here but no, they are both asleep. You have no skin in the game here, yet you are trying to figure out the killer.”

“We do have skin in the game, as you say,” Angie knew he’d heard all of their conversation then, including the part where he’d been one of the suspects. “We’re locked in here with a killer.”

“True. But you didn’t have to come looking for us when we were locked up. Which by the way, doesn’t that take both me and Marty off the suspect list? We didn’t lock ourselves up in a closet for hours.” Glen stood and held up his cup. “Anyone want a refill?”

“I’m good.” Felicia said as Angie shook her head.

When he was out of earshot, Angie leaned over. “He’s right. Unless they have a partner, none of those three could have done it. We’re down to Tad and Thaddeus. Unless he had a partner.”

“You said that already.” Felicia turned her head and watched Angie, who had her head turned toward the others in the room. “What are you looking for?”

Angie nodded toward Sara. “That. She’s watching Glen and they just made eye contact. How tall do you think she is?”

“Almost five nine if I’m remembering right, why?”

“What if she’s the partner that shoved Glen into the closet so he could have an alibi? Who talked to her?”

“Hope, why?” Felicia studied the girl who was now Copyright 2016 - 2024