The Peer and the Puppet (When Rivals Play #1) - B.B. Reid Page 0,94

get dressed.” When she finally looked at me, there was a determination in her eyes. “Can you please leave?”

“LEAVE?” HE ECHOED AS HE lifted his sweater.

My heart raced faster with each inch of skin he unveiled. His muscled abs and chest was truly a sight to behold. I was almost sure the pillow nestled between my thighs was soaked.

“We’re finished here.”

“I don’t think so.” His eyes were low and his gaze serene as if he were the one who came hard enough to see stars. “We’re just getting started.”

“You promised no sex.”

“We’re not having sex.” Ignoring my discarded panties, he scooped my shorts from the floor and tossed them to me.

I quickly pulled them on while he dropped onto my bed. My shorts barely cleared my hips when he pulled me down onto his chest.

“Then what is this? What are we doing?”

“We’re finding out why this feels right…and then we’ll have sex.”

“You’re so sure.”

“I can still taste you, princess. I’m sure.”

I dropped my head on his chest to hide my blush. “Don’t blame me when you’re disappointed,” I mumbled.

He chuckled and palmed my ass. “Deal.” The silence that followed lasted so long that I thought he’d fallen asleep. “Tell me something I don’t know about you.”

I lifted my head to look into his eyes, but there was no trace of humor. “You’re serious, aren’t you? We’re really going to have pillow talk?”

His eyebrows lifted. “We could do other things.”

“Talking’s good,” I quickly answered. I laid my head back on his chest and felt it vibrate beneath me as he chuckled. “I collect helmets, usually the rare and expensive kind.”

“How many do you have?”

“Twelve and counting.”

“And what makes them rare?”

“Nothing. I just fall in love with the unusual and pay more money than they’re worth.”

“Why not just have them made?”

I purred and stretched as he stroked the base of my spine.

“I’m not that creative. Besides, some that I’ve bid on were signed or owned by pros.”

“I’m assuming you keep them hidden in the boxes you never bothered to unpack?”

I groaned at the reminder of my weekend task. Not only was I was growing sick of living out of my suitcase but it also didn’t seem as if Rosalyn and Thomas were breaking it off anytime soon. They’ve now been dating for two years, so at this point, I was just living in denial. “I’m unpacking this weekend, but I don’t mind showing them off now.”

His hand paused on my lower back. “Is this a trick to get me to help you unpack?”

“Nonsense. I wouldn’t want you to break a nail.”

I squealed when he rolled on top of me and settled between my legs. We were bold to carry on this way with Rosalyn and Thomas in the house, but I couldn’t bring myself to care when he took my hand and laid it over his erection. “So there’s no confusion.”

I slid my palm down his erection and up again. “You think this makes you a man?”

“I think it helps.” He grinned, and then he was on his feet, pulling me from the bed. I didn’t have any of the boxes marked, so it took Ever some lifting—at his insistence.

When we found the box, he took that nifty blade of his and cut through the tape. Ever wielding a blade was almost taboo, and watching him handle it made me crave to let him handle me.

I lifted the first helmet from the box and removed the protective wrapping. It was an open-faced helmet with red and white stripes from ear to ear. As far as looks went, it was pretty plain, but there was a rumor that it had once belonged to Vincent Valentino before his champion days.

“This is Four.”


“I named them in the order I got them.”

“Inventive,” he remarked sarcastically while taking the helmet from my hands to inspect. “I like it.” I was caught off guard when he slipped the helmet over my head. “I never thought I’d have a thing for a biker chick.”

“You have a thing for me?”

“I think I do.” He pulled me close by my helmet straps. “You have a problem with that?”

I couldn’t answer him without making a fool of myself, so I did the next best thing and decided to kiss him. Unfortunately, I still managed to fuck up when my helmet crashed into his forehead.

“Damn,” he groaned while holding his head. “I guess you do.”

“Oh, no.” I hid my face with my hands as best I could with the helmet still on. “That Copyright 2016 - 2024