The Peer and the Puppet (When Rivals Play #1) - B.B. Reid Page 0,73

outfit in my bag. I was still kicking myself for being so weak when I stepped outside. Jamie was sitting in the driver’s seat of his Jeep while Ever waited by the open rear passenger door. I ignored him and climbed into the back seat, but then he followed me in.

“The front seat’s empty. Why are you sitting back here?”

He smiled a boyish smile and scooted closer until our thighs touched before resting his arm on the headrest. I ignored the heated fluttering in my belly and distracted myself by texting Tyra my plans.

“We’re going to make a stop before we get on the road,” Ever announced.


“Vaughn’s coming.”

I paused. Was I really about to spend a day alone in a strange city with Ever and his band of arrogant assholes? No. No, I was not. “Then I’m inviting Tyra.”

“He’s pissed as fuck at her, baby.”


Not grease monkey, hick, swamp girl, or little troublemaker? Did letting him go down on me really change his perspective of me that much?

“I don’t care. He was the asshole, and it’s my birthday.”

I was surprised when, rather than argue, he smiled. “Sure, princess.”

“Alright…” Ignoring the fluttering in my belly, I glared up at him. “What’s up with the pet names? I’m no princess.”

From the front seat, Jamie snorted.

“Because despite your backwoods upbringing, you carry yourself as if you were royalty. Always with your nose in the air, expecting your demands to be met.”

I racked my brain for a witty or sarcastic response. Something that screamed ‘I am a woman and not a cup of jello.’ My legs shook under his stare, and I felt gooey inside when he said, “You want Tyra, you’ll have Tyra.” He dipped his head and whispered, “And later I’ll have you.”

I didn’t respond and spent the short ride nestled in the crook of Ever’s arm, pondering his sudden change in attitude. When we reached the gate barring entry to the castle Vaughn lived in, I tried not to gape.

But I did balk at the burly guards wearing perfectly blank expressions and visibly brandishing large guns. “Jamie, I think you made a wrong turn. This is clearly Fort Knox.”

Ever squeezed my hip as one of the guards approached the window. Jamie rolled it down, and the guard said, “No visitors.”

Before Jamie could respond, Vaughn, already dressed for a day in the city, appeared around one of the bushes and said, “Let them in.”

“Your father said—”

“Then take it up with him.” He opened the front passenger door and hopped in. “And please remind Father that if he wants to do something about it, he’ll actually have to come home for once.”

Jamie rolled up the window, and the guard had no choice but to open the gates. The other was already placing a call to who I assumed was Senor Rees.

“So that’s your deal,” I said when the silence and Vaughn’s obvious irritation grew uncomfortable.

He regarded me over his shoulder and lifted a brow.

“You have daddy issues.”

Ever squeezed my hip a little harder this time while Vaughn snorted.

“And you don’t?”

I shrugged as the car came to a stop. “I never knew my father.”

“You’re lucky,” he spat.

Jamie climbed out, and Ever followed, lending me his hand and keeping hold of mine as we walked through the front doors.

“It’s your birthday,” Vaughn announced, “so I’ll forgive you for being a complete bitch.” He pulled me into a hug, and only after nearly crushing me in his arms, I caved and hugged him back. “You can change in the first room on your left,” he directed after letting me go.

I took in his appearance: red long-sleeved thermal, blue jeans, and light brown hair slicked back.

“Thanks.” I climbed the set of stairs he pointed to and changed into jeans ripped at the knee, plain white long-sleeve, and an olive-green utility jacket. When I made it back downstairs, I found Vaughn in the middle of a heated argument with Tyra.

“Why do you have to misbehave all the time, huh?”

Tyra glowered with her arms crossed. “You’re the one who threw a tantrum.”

His response was to push her against the front door, and I watched as he held her wrists above her head. “I like your fire, babe, but you need to learn who’s in charge.”

“This is the twenty-first century. Get over yourself.”

His voice deepened when he spoke next. “I’d rather get on top of you.” They were kissing hard and heavy a moment later.

“I didn’t know you were into exhibitionism,” Ever whispered in my ear. He stood on the Copyright 2016 - 2024