Pearced - By H. Ryder Page 0,38

your new job.” He swirls his wine in the great bowl of his glass, suddenly it seems the focus. That's nice. Mum would like him. Then glancing casually at me. “But also to ask you, if you'd have a problem if I fucked you every chance I get?" What?

...maybe I’m wrong?

His face is serious, I don’t quite know how to react, this type of honesty is disarming, but refreshing. My spoon stops a few inches short of my lips as I contemplate my next move. Be careful, I tell myself, it could be a trick. I take a deliberate mouthful of soup, it gives me time to think. Mmm, it is good. Horses are like that too, there's no bullshit with them either. Instead I laugh, and he instantly relaxes and joins me. "But you haven't even bought me lunch yet" I pout. I tear a corner off my lump of warm crusty bread, it smells great and inviting and suddenly I’m hungry and get the feeling Pete's right, I’m going to need my energy. Anyway I love carbs, can’t get by without them.

EC: “How's your new job?” What can I tell her? I don't answer, that response will need careful wording. I put the evil little device away.

The soup is delicious and the wine an exquisite accompaniment, I feel like an expert in my own taste buds has prepared this meal for me, it's just as Daniel said, it'll be what you've fancied all along even if you don’t realise it yet. We chat about denim and Daniels plans for Milk&Honey whilst we eat. Our trip to Japan and how we tackle that one. I tear off a corner of warm bread and dipping it into my steaming bowl of saffron coloured hot soup, I look at the man sitting opposite me. Yes, what do I tell Mum? I don't need to answer that right now.

I’m just telling him about my last visit to Tokyo..."...and as always its pouring with hot rain and the temperature is high..." Then suddenly without a change in his expression as he listens to my story, I feel his hand on my knee. I look around to see if anyone is watching, look back at him, he hasn’t taken his eyes off me the whole time. I take a mouthful of soup and return to my story, OK, just carry on. "I get into the cab, with the lace doilies on the seats, antimacassars on the armrests, and the driver in little white gloves..." Just as I get comfortable, he looks at me harder and I feel his hand as it slowly and deliberately moves up my thigh, higher and higher still.

Transitions at H+F. KE shoulder-in right. That helps.

I have to concentrate on my soup and my story, can't cause any scene here, not in public. Daniel nods a hello to two people leaving, and his hand travels higher to where my legs join my body. My breath catches in my lungs, and I’m now feeling quite hot, is it warm in here? Sparks of pleasure begin to fire all over me, I have to try really hard to continue.

E volte’s right. EG half-pass to the right. Come on brain, focus.

"I ask the driver," I start to say, “to take me to Harajuku. I wanted to see Evisu's new shop..." god this is hot, all I can do is think of Daniels thumb as it moves up and down the seam of my jeans between my legs, still looking at me. I’m having a hard time keeping it together, my breathing is laboured and I mustn’t move or make a sound of pleasure or I’d disturb a room full of chattering happy people enjoying their lunch. It’s having an incredible effect on me, in a public place, I furtively look around me, and smile into my soup, my body is alight my sex tightens and tingles.

“Then what?” He asks smiling very sweetly.

G on the centre line, before C collected walk.

I have to take a breath, the throbbing intensifies as my jeans hold me in place. Swollen and wet I can feel every touch, even through the many layers of denim, I shift uncomfortably in my seat, Daniel’s eyes never leave mine. Smiling again, clearly aware of the effect he is having on me, here of all public places, the soft gentle touches I long to get harder, I yearn to grind myself into his hand, to satisfy the need that building inside me. He Copyright 2016 - 2024