Pearced - By H. Ryder Page 0,27

asks me.” Turning again to look at me. "He reaches out to shake my hand, can you believe it? My name is James Pearce, I’m with that rabble." He indicates with his head, "2 brothers, a step brother and 2 friends."

"I looked over, they are now all looking my way and then I realise it's the drinks they're after," one guy shouts "come on J, we’re parched mate, leave the girl alone and bring us some liquid joy." Clearly enjoying herself, she continues with a giggle. “He smiles and takes the drinks to the table by the coats, by my coat. I pay the bartender, and as I turn he is standing right behind me." Pete sips her wine, jerks her brow at me and talks on. "Can I try that again?" He asks me quietly. "My name is James, can I join you for a drink?"

"Well, Tharie, I can't speak, this boy is gorgeous, he's pretty face is talking to me. My lot are waiting for their drinks,” she takes a gulp of wine, “blimey I’ve slept with them all, I could use a new toy."

"I am shocked," I fake “all of them?" I laugh, “Even Big Chris?”

“Well yes, him too, we just wondered what it would feel like. But those women, we've all been together a long time, and I figured what the hell." Pete gets up to order another round, my wine is heating my belly from the insides, my lower lip is getting numb and my brain is fuzzy, and I’ve only had three glasses.

My phone vibrates, I look at the face, it's Daniel, my blood jumps violently in my chest, I am quick to read his text, my heart begins to beat so fast I can feel every pump resonating around my body, I imagine his lips kissing my neck...

DP: "Hope you're not going to have a hangover for your first day at RANDom Tharie!" It says, “red wine should be sipped slowly not gulped down like Ribena!" Startled I look up, I scan the bar looking everywhere without standing up, he's here, watching me, or was it just a guess?

Pete gets back to the table, "the landlord says our drinks are paid for tonight, that was nice of him, he said the bar owner says hello." I wonder? Pete neither knows nor cares what that's all about, she lives in a freebies environment remember?

"Then what happened?” She begins again with renewed gust.

"We sit in a corner half way between my lot and his, the two groups hardly notice one of their members is missing and we chat and drink." He and his brothers come from money I guess several references to Daddy and his business, and Mummy hosting polo matches, of course, it might not be true."

Or it might be, stranger things happen. My mind begins to wander. Stop it!

"Then this guy.” She swirls the wine around the narrow bowl of her glass.

"James.” I interrupt, names are important I think, get the names right, and spell them right too.

"OK, yes James, I let him put his hand on my knee, it's been a long time since I let a guy do that to me Tharie, and I liked it." I have to agree, I like it too.

No good deed goes unpunished. Then?

“We were both pissed by then and started giggling, he said he had a flat nearby and would I like to see the view?" I obviously have a look of disappointment on my face I can’t hide "well, if he has a flat in Mayfair, he must be loaded.” She adds. Probably not wrong.

"Or he could jam you in a cab and drive you anywhere!" I am stunned by my friends’ lack of safety, but she's sitting here telling me this story so I guess it worked out OK.

Note to self: give her a lecture and buy her a whistle too. She won't appreciate my do-goodery, but I don't care.

"Let me finish the story." She's getting louder and impatient.

My phone vibrates again, I glance down.

DP: "She talks a lot your friend doesn't she?" I stand up, where is he? I still see the same crowd, only now they’re staring at me, at us. I sit back down slowly, "sorry Pete, please what happened next?" I'm feeling a little wobbly.

"What's wrong with you?" She asks frustrated at not getting to the good part of her story yet. "Who's texting you?"

I lie "someone from work that's all." She begins protesting, knowing full well I don’t Copyright 2016 - 2024