Silver Borne(194)

There are a few man-made caves because some of the wineries have carved their own caverns into the basalt to age their wines.

Most of our geology is igneous, which allows for lava tubes, but no limestone caves like the ones in Carlsbad.

I suppose magic, if it is strong enough, doesn't care much about geology--because we were in a huge cave whose walls, ceiling, and floor were not stone but earth and roots.

The Elphame was magic made, but I wondered if it was the fairy queen's magic that had created it.

Ariana had looked at the tree roots in the cave Zee's entrance had brought us to, and she said that there must be a forest lord about.

Looking around, I thought she was right.

The floor was woven from tree roots--I had to look sharp not to trip and draw attention to myself again.

The fairy queen's throne was the only thing in the whole room that had not altered when I saw through the glamour.

The pillars were thick roots hanging from the ceiling or bursting from the floor like living stalactites and stalagmites.

The benches were formed of living wood, not so pretty as the queen's illusions, but more beautiful.

Most of the fae in the room were not pretty--though there were a few as long as your tastes weren't hung up on humanity as a standard for beauty.

None of them looked like lords and ladies--Ariana and the fairy queen herself were the most human-appearing among them, and neither would have been able to walk into a store without everyone knowing that she was other.

I didn't waste much time looking at the court fae, though.

It was the creature that lay behind the fairy queen's throne that caught my attention.

It lay huge and still, like a great redwood cut down by the woodsman's axe.

It had bark and evergreen needles--but it also had four eyes as big as dinner plates that glowed like ruby glass lanterns.

It was bound with iron chains that glittered with magic.

I didn't know what a forest lord looked like, but a giant tree with eyes seemed like a strong possibility.

Next to the throne was a middle-aged woman who had the strong features and coloring of the Mediterranean people-- Greek or Italian or possibly even Turkish.

She wore the collar I'd begun to associate with the fairy queen's thralls, but she was also chained to the throne.

My nose told me that somewhere among the fae, the humans, and the dying forest lord, there was a witch.

I could see a witch being tough enough that the fairy queen would want more than just a silver ring around her throat to ensure she was controlled.

Among those who call themselves witches, there are various types.

Least troublesome are the humans who have adopted Wicca as their religion.

Some of them have a spark of power, enough to enrich their faith, but not so much to attract the attention of bigger and nastier things.

Then there are the white witches--people born to the witch families who have chosen to do no harm.

Like the mundane- born witches, white witches are usually not very powerful-- because witch magic gets its power from death, pain, and sacrifice, and white witches have chosen to eschew that.

Most witches of any power are black witches.

They smell of it, some more than others.

There are black witches who skirt the doing of actual evil.