Silver Borne(182)


Oh." There was comprehension in Jesse's voice.


It's a very old thing, and many of its owners have died in various ways.

The fire thing came later." Her face grew contemplative.

"And quite spectacularly." "Aren't you its owner?" Jesse asked.

"Not if I want to keep my magic--I'm only its maker.

That's why it's called the Silver Borne." "Ariana means silver in Welsh." Samuel sat down on the floor and leaned against the end of the nearest metal shelving unit.

He'd had a rough couple of days, too--but I hoped that Ariana's obvious fear of him wouldn't send him sliding back into despair.

"Jesse," I said.

"Ask her how we find Gabriel." "What did you bring me that belongs to this young man?" Jesse handed her a white plastic bag.

"It's a sweater he loaned me when I was cold." "Phin told me that his magic was that he could sometimes feel things from objects," I said.

"Things like how old an object is.

Psychometry." "Something he inherited from me." Ariana pulled the sweater out and put it against her face.

"Oh dear.

This won't work." "Why not?" Samuel asked.

"It is his.

I can smell his scent on it from here." "I don't work off scents," she told him, her eyes on the sweater.

"I work off ties, the threads that bind us to those things that are ours." She looked at Jesse.

"This sweater means far more to you, as a gift of love, than it did to him when he wore it.

So I can use it to find you, but not him." She hesitated.

"Does he feel the same way about you?" Jesse blushed and shook her head.

"I don't know." "Give me your hand," said the fae woman.

Jesse reached out and Ariana held it--and smiled like a wolf scenting her prey.

"Oh yes, you are a lodestone." She turned to look at Zee.

"With her I can find him.

He is that way." She pointed toward the back of the garage.

WE LOADED INTO ADAM'S TRUCK BECAUSE ZEE'S TRUCK wouldn't hold us all--and Zee drove.

Ariana sat in the front and Samuel sat behind Zee, as far as he could get from her in the big truck.

The sound of the big engine brought a smile to Zee's face; he appreciates modern technology more than I do.