Silver Borne(163)

"Have I ever told you that you're my favorite cowboy?" "Of course I am," he said smugly.

"You're the only cowboy she knows," I informed him.

He glanced at his watch.

"You got about two minutes left." "Mercy?" Jesse asked, catching my arm before I could go.

"What about Gabriel?" "We'll find him," Warren said, before I could respond.

He smiled at me.

"I have good hearing, and the house was plenty quiet enough last night to hear a phone call in the kitchen." He bent down so he could look Jesse in the eye.

"Running around when we don't know anything won't help him.

Zee's looking into it, and waiting for him is our best option at the moment." "If Zee couldn't help us, he'd have told us by now," I said, looking only at Jesse.

I wasn't talking to Warren; I was talking to Jesse.

No oath breaking here.

"We'll get Gabriel out of this." "Maybe we'll sic Sylvia on them," said Warren.

"You heard?" Of course he had.

News travels fast in the pack.

"Heard what?" Jesse was coming back online, I thought.

Warren's hug had been exactly what she needed.

"Sylvia threatened to set the police on me if I darkened their doorstep again.

Gabriel isn't working for me anymore." I frowned.

I hadn't thought about it, but it might affect Jesse, too.

"I don't know if you're considered one of the prohibited people--but since she got mad because I didn't warn her that Sam was a werewolf before Maia adopted him as her new pony, I expect that werewolves of any kind are going to be a hot button for a little while.

Once we get him home, you need to talk it over with Gabriel." She nodded.

"If we get him home, I'll be happy to fight with Sylvia about my right to hang out with Gabriel." "Good for you," said Warren.

She stepped back from him and almost fell over Sam.

"Hey," she said to him.

"How come you let Warren and Dad take care of Mary Jo?" "He's not himself," I said.

"It wouldn't have been a good idea." Sam gave me a look full of guilt and turned his head away.

I thought about that guilty look all the way in the house and into the living room where the pack was scattered all over the furniture and the floor.

There were more wolves--latecomers receiving the blow-by-blow account of the fight.

And I hadn't seen Adam's pack this relaxed since .
