Silver Borne(120)

As soon as I started driving, Ben said, "You need to find out who the second man on watch was." "What?" "The other wolf Adam had watching with Mary Jo.

She doesn't want to tell, and she's higher rank than I am, so I can't ask her.

If Warren asked .



She's one of the crowd that thinks he shouldn't be pack." "What?" I'd thought the homophobic elements in the pack were all men.

Ben nodded.

"She's quieter about it than most, but she's also more stubborn.

If Warren gave her an order she didn't want to comply with--like one that would make her narc on someone she cares about--she's likely to defy him.

He'd have to hurt her, and that would hurt him more because he likes her--and doesn't have any idea that she's one of the stupid people." I'd always thought Ben was one of the stupid people, too.

I guess that must have shown in my face because he laughed.

"I was bitter when I first came here.

Eastern Washington is a big comedown from London." He didn't say anything for a while, but about the time I turned onto the highway he continued in a soft voice.

"Warren's okay.

He cares about the pack, and that's not as common in the upper echelon as you'd think.

Took me a while to appreciate--and that's on me."I patted his arm.

"Took us a while to warm up to you, too," I said.

"Must be your charming personality." He laughed again, and this time it was with genuine humor.


No doubt.

You're a right bitch sometimes, you know?" The response was elementary-school automatic.

"Takes one to know one," I said.

"You think there was someone else who watched Adam jump into a burning building to save me and didn't do anything to stop him?" "I think that Adam sends us out in pairs.

One man on point, the second as backup.


Mary Jo wasn't out there alone when you and Samuel left.

She wasn't the only one who watched whoever set fire to your house." He paused.

"I think I know who it is, but I'm prejudiced, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

Just remember: Mary Jo .
