Silver Borne(10)

They liked each other just fine, but Adam was Alpha and Samuel a lone wolf who outpowered him.

Sometimes they had trouble being in the same room together, but evidently not tonight.

I started to reach for the jeans I'd laid out on my bed.


I hesitated.

I just couldn't see it in my head.

Not the bowling part--I was sure that Adam enjoyed bowling.

Throwing a weighty ball at a bunch of helpless pins and watching the resultant mayhem is just the kind of thing that werewolves love.

What I couldn't see was Adam telling Jesse he was taking me bowling.

Not when he was trying to keep it from me.

The last time all she'd been able to do was tell me what he was wearing when he left the house.

Maybe I was just being paranoid.

I opened my closet and looked at the meager pickings hanging there.

I had more dresses than I'd had a year ago.

Three more.

Jesse would have noticed if he'd dressed up.

I glanced at the bed where my new jeans and a dark blue T- shirt summoned me with their comfort.

Bribes can go both ways--and Jesse would find it amusing to play double agent.

So I pulled out a pale gray dress, classy enough that I could wear it to all but the most formal of occasions and not so dressy that it would look out of place at a restaurant or theater.

If we really went bowling, I could bowl in the dress.

I slipped into the dress and quickly unbraided my hair and brushed it out.

"Mercy, aren't you ready yet?" asked Samuel, a touch of amusement in his voice.

"Didn't you say you had a hot date?" I opened the door and saw I hadn't gotten it quite right.

Adam was wearing a tux.

Adam is shorter than Samuel, with the build of a wrestler and the face of .



I don't know.

It is Adam's face, and it is beautiful enough to distract people from the air of power that he conveys.

His hair is dark, and he keeps it short.